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I think "daddy" is bipolar!

KittyKat's picture

I appreciate any input here; he's rambling ON AND ON about how
he can never make plans or I'm jealous (I'm purposely rambling
here) and how he can never do anything but I can do whatever I want (??? I work, come home, take care of the pets, teach college, make money)

He was calm as a cucumber all weekend; then tonight he goes
ballistic; is that bipolar?

God, I love this site. Geez, I'm the one who's supposed to be
PMS. He's acting like HE'S PMS!!

When one is bipolar, do they just ramble incessantly? Do
they act paranoid? I do not get any of this, honestly, so I'm
asking my "gals" (and guys) to help me out here!


bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

I think my H also may be. I deal with the highs & lows, unreasonable behaviour alot. Like calling me 15 times a day-is that jealousy, controlling, or bi or what?

KitKat-does your H go on wild spending tangents and then act like a total miser the next day? Mine does.

And I hear about how he can never do anything-or I'm never satisfied. C'mon. I lived on very little for many many years-I'm not hard to please at all.!

Haven't decided if I think he's bi-polar or just spoiled rotten like SD17.

sweetthing's picture

He is extreemly high functioning compared to many others with this condition, but when he is off his rocker OMG what out. BTW he is completely medicated & compliant.

There are so many different senerios that I would recommend that you do some research on line. My husband rarely has the euphoric very productive manias, but gets very depressed and mean. Lays around, does nothing, nothing makes him happy, zones out.

Go on line & google bipolar & see if it applies.