Valentines Day. Never really cared much for it myself
Guess I'm just not the romantic kind. Oh well.
It's a good thing I don't care much for it-H mentioned this weekend that he had picked out what he wanted to give SD17, SD14 and me for Valentines Day. Huge 8 ft. stuffed animals.
I'm so glad they were too expensive! I DO NOT want to receive the same thing for Valentines as SD17. I am a grown woman, for crying out loud-what would I want a huge stuffed animal for in the first place?
But why would he think to give me the same thing as his kids?
I want a bottle. Of perfume. Of booze. Either would be great. In fact, the latter would be my choice! Maybe I'll get him some Grand Marnier (he doesn't drink) and tell him its for him so he can have a wife who is too sloshed to notice that he considers her on the same level as his kids. :evil:
- bewitched's blog
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this is so sad bewitched
on so many levels...
first, why would he TELL u?
second, and more importantly, why would he give u the same thing he gave them?
let his daughters be his wife...they play the role well anyway.
what an ass.
keep studying girl! and go out and have a great time w ur other single friends on V day. i always hated the holiday too an dthats what we always did. anti-v-day parties!
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
Wierd - to me at least
I have always thought of Valentines day as a "lovers" holiday and since his kids are teenagers I think that is really wierd that he is getting them stuffed animals or whatever. I can see if they were little kids. But that is just me. I wouldn't want to be given the same thing either - how about jewelery for all the hell you have been/are putting me through you cheap f%%k??? I agreee - get me a bottle of booze (a big one please) and some of those chocolates filled with liquor. Oh and to make it even more special hopefully your H won't be home!!!!
Cool blog, because I think alot of us deal with this.
The first year me and DH were together he was telling SD that he would get her a little something for valentines day and I gagged on the spot. We were broke, but she was going to get something? So I went and blew about 200 on the kids for valentines day, bio son included. It's stupid though, Valentines day is for lovers.
We've made it quite clear to the kids since then that they will not be getting any goodies for valentines day from thier parents. Maybe one of those little 1 dollar box of like 5 choclates from wal mart! Bio son didn't give a hoot, SD was fussing. Well daddy always gets me something. Me: Not this year sister. Valentines day is for lovers, when you get on you get presents. Until then be happy with your tin foil cards you pass around in class!
******Mountain Dew and Beer is what makes me a better step mom.
Oh, H always got his kids flowers for VD
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
Before we were married, he always had flowers delivered to the girls at school. Yes, I thought it was wierd, but that seemed to be pretty typical of the parents here. Never understood it, never will.
But-the very idea that he wanted to get us all the same thing makes me want to :barf:. I'm going to tell him to just forget it...
I dunno, I like it!
my parents still give me a valentine's day gift every year; they pay for my AAA membership, which has been greatly appreciated over the years. I send my parents and grandparents cards for this holiday too...
I like to have occasions to give little gifts and trinkets. I/we get SD something small each year, candy, some little bear or cute socks or something. I get her easter stuff too.
FH always gets me an assortment of gifts, flowers, card etc and we go out to dinner usually the weekend after to celebrate. I get him a card, and a couple little things too.
For me valentine's day is about love, not just lovers, but that's how I was raised...
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
You also sound as if you were raised to appreciate it! Not expect it!!!! I am a gift giver, I love to give stuff. And would probably have gotten her something on my own if DH hadn't made such a big deal out if. Now it's the principal of the matter!!!!!!!!!
There was another year where he had to take her shopping for mommy for valentines day because mommy would be sad that she had no valentine. Sweet. So sweet it made me want to :sick: I didn't even want anything that year from him, I told him not to buy me ANYTHING!!
Things like this used to happen all the time. Thank God time has changed things.
On a side note, I always have and will do for the SD to, got my BS something little, like I said before. Maybe a 1.00 box of candy from Walmart! Little but it's the thought that counts.
I still think the focus of the day should be your SO. That's JMO, of course!
******Mountain Dew and Beer is what makes me a better step mom.
agreed stepmomjen
FH is the focus, for sure. We may end up leaving SD home while we go to dinner for ourselves, as a couple, and that's fine I think. I do find it weird that some of the responders are getting the same things as their Skids, THAT is over the top IMO, but like you said, a small thing is a nice gesture.
Oh and I would so :sick: if FH ever ever EVER took SD anywhere or gave SD money to buy anything for BM!!!! :sick: ugh the thought even turns my stomach!!!! So with ya on that....
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
my mom used to get me
chocolate covered pretzels every valentine's very sweet of her. i miss those little things now that shes gone
so i DO appreciate a nice sentiment like that from ALL loved ones.
but for me, its not that he wants to give them gifts, but that he wants to give her the same thing he gives them. not only does it show ZERO thoughtfulness, its as if hes saying she is on the same level as him in her eyes. which is wrong, IMO.
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
bell totally agreed!
A small trinket is nice, lord knows I'll do stuff like that for my daughter also. Probably more than I do for my son because vday makes him gag anyways! LOL!
But the taking SD shopping for mommy, and getting the same gifts for wife as you do for daughter is sick. And you are dead on with it putting you on the same level. I mean it's like here honey, I got you some flowers and a stuffed bear for VD, enjoy SD. Oh, and wifey, I got you the same exact thing. Because God forbid I show that I love you like I'm supposed to or SD may be upset!
sick, sick, sick ola
******Mountain Dew and Beer is what makes me a better step mom.
My Dh
Would get me something on valentines but usually leaves it up to me to get kids something which i dont mind getting them some little thing.Last year my dh collected like 100 different kinds if flower seeds for me to plant in the spring as i am a big gardner so instead of bringing home flowers that would die in a week i had all my flowers that came up in my garden and lasted for the summer.
This just seems wrong to me.
From what I know Valentines Days is only for loves as mentioned above. In Australia, parents don't give there kids VD presants that I know of, that just sounds wrong to me, but who am I to judge.
As for the same presant as the kids, now that I just can't get my head around.
spill the wine over your stuffed animal "oppps" :evil:. Hopefully SD17 gets a pig for her presant.
BW, I would just buy your own bottle of Red Wine, get absolutly blind on VDay and accidently, on purpose
My real dad calls Valentines Day
the "idiot" holiday.
"OCD sucks"
Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to destroy.
--Henri de Lubac