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SD starts her new school tomm!

northernsiren's picture

Yesterday we got SD registered for school, and she starts tomorrow! We got a tour of the school, a fabulous brand new this fall 112 million dollar school about 3 miles from our home. Everyone was so friendly to us and helpful, her guidance counselor was such a positive, warm person, even students said hi to us in the hall, one even said "this is a great school you'll like it" to SD Smile

Her grandfather met us outside, and had paid for her books at the old school. (the school reports SD lost 3 books, and billed us $240 for them, and he so kindly stepped up and offered to pay for them, as they would not release her transcripts until it was paid. Anyway, he was really pleased with SD's excitement over the new school, and just thrilled it all went well. FH was so happy with the school too, there are many many opportunities for SD there.

Last night SD's grandma called and we got a report about BM. Apparently BM's sister is "trying to stay neutral" in all this, so as best to persuade BM that this is the best thing and to just let it go. Anyway, she seems to have accomplished that end, according to BM's sister, she has accepted it, does not intend to fight it, and is coming around to the idea that this is the best thing for everyone involved.

I guess maybe, just maybe, miracles do happen????

SD did miss her first contribution (otherwise known as chore) yesterday though, LOL, guess I don't have the perfect SD afterall.... Wink


sparky's picture

Its a move in the right direction. The judge will not force her to go back now because he will not have her change schools again. Thank God for great grand parensts that step up to the bat and help out when needed.

northernsiren's picture

she doesn't intend to fight either, so that would be a huge blow to SD if she changed her mind and decided to throw a wrench into her plans.

BM actually advised SD via email to go to VOTECH high school in our town!!! OVER MY DEAD BODY is this kid going to VOTECH. I know it can be good for kids who want to learn a trade, or follow in a family business, but SD has neither of those things, and like most kids her age, doesn't even know who she is let alone what she wants to do with her life, so why on EARTH would a mother want to limit the options available to her child!?! I think it's just the death throws of a control freak trying to exert just a little more power.

I didn't check with anyone, I was that confident that all involved would back me up, and regardless, I feel strongly enough about this to go out on a limb anyway. I told SD under no circumstances will she be going to VOTECH high school, and she agreed. GOOD GIRL! I was later supported by FH, and both grandparents....

Oh on an unrelated note, we filled out all the school paperwork yesterday, and BM's name is on NONE of it, she won't have any rights to SD at school, SD's school records, nothing. She's put FH in this position all along, and even went so far as to put her husband's name in the father field on the paperwork. Now the tables are turned! Sadly, I don't even think she'll notice, since I'm sure she's washed her hands with SD with 99% of everything...

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

sarahbernheart's picture

flog her! jk..(in reference of SD not doing her chore)
with all the positive attitude around her how can she fail!
and thank goodness BM is not causing a scene maybe in time BM can mend her relationship with SD.

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

northernsiren's picture

maybe hit her a couple of times too, just for good measure. Sad

Nope, she's got one day grace period, if she misses 2 days, her allowance gets docked, no yelling, no screaming, we have a board I made to track chore completion, it's all there in black and white (actually green yellow and purple) and it's written in the family contract we all signed what happens when stuff doesn't get done, so no need for conflict! Smile

And as far as the relationship mending, that's one of my biggest hopes. I wish her mom could appreciate her the way that we do, she deserves it...

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

sarahbernheart's picture

a good ol smack ..
we did the same with my BSs - like you said no yelling no screaming.
I used to charge them a dime every time they left a room and did not turn off their light. HARD CORE..they still laugh about it.
I mended my relationship with my mom years ago, but I had a terrific therapist too.
hugs NS!!
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

SoFrustrated's picture

If Hubby charged me a dime every time he had to remind me to turn off a light I would end up just handing over my paycheck! I am hopelessly absent-minded when I'm in my house!

sarahbernheart's picture

it is absolutely an insane pet peeve of mine, and I can not tell you why.
my kids to this day will leave a light on on purpose to see how long it takes me to REACT..brats, I should have beat them with those wire hangers I so abhored when they were younger..:)

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

SoFrustrated's picture

He has the same pet peeve. However, I do seem to remember to turn off the lights when he's close to me. This usually means that I turn the light off while he's still in the room! He's convinced I'm doing this all on purpose to drive him insane Smile

bellacita's picture

im sure she will love it and absolutely thrive in her new loving and supportive environment! kudos to u and FH!

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin