OT Earth Day
I'd like to invite everyone to celebrate Earth Day next week. I'm putting in a butterfly/hummingbird garden. Remember every little bit counts.
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I'd like to invite everyone to celebrate Earth Day next week. I'm putting in a butterfly/hummingbird garden. Remember every little bit counts.
I planted
My butterfly/bee plants last week. We already feed many many dove, red birds, blue birds, squirrels and any other bird you can find in Okie land thanks to DH!
The hummingbird feeders will come out in July.
"OCD sucks"
Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to destroy.
--Henri de Lubac
Have you ever thought about
Have you ever thought about joining in the backyard bird count? I do it every year. The hummingbird migration started 2wks ago and I put my feeders out over the weekend and have gotten 3 visitors so far. What kind of plants do you put out??
May Night Salvia and
I bought another shrub to put near the garden at Lowe's but I forgot to catch the name of it before I threw the tag away. It was swarming with bees at Lowe's so I made DH pick one out, LOL! I figured it would aid in the squash pollination this year.
I also put Lantana out in the front yard to see if it would attract something.
Here's a link that shows a couple of our hummingbirds last August. DH had one sit on his finger. That pic is on there too.
"OCD sucks"
Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to destroy.
--Henri de Lubac
My crape myrtles are sunning right now!
If my IDIOT H didn't forget to put them OUT this morning ("huge request"), they would have been sopping up sun that we finally have here in PA (worst winter ever) and closer to being transplanted!
I have tons of plants, FM, bird feeders, etc. I love nature, too!!
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt
I have always wanted
to do a butterfly garden. I used to have some wild flowers/weeds idk along my fence that attracted big beautiful butterflies. A hurricane came through and tore it down. When we have the money to tackle the back yard I have requested that we must do a butterfly garden. I so love butterflies to the point where I was going to fly in a 100 of them to be released at my wedding but because it was cool we didn't know how well they would adapt. So we opted against it because I did not want my guests to release dead butterflies.
I have an aunt who has a butterfly garden. I love to go and sit out by her pool and watch them. A beautiful sight. She has offered to help me when we are ready. My latest stumbling block is getting my allergies under control so that I can be outdoors for longer than 10 minutes without being tortured. I would love to see pics if you ever get them.
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
OH also
For any students out there. There is a site called Chegg.com that does textbook rentals. The prices are far better than purchasing and the best part is that they will plant a tree for every book that you rent.
The second thing is that Discovery is coming out with a new movie about the planet called Earth. They have pledged to plant a tree for every person who buys a ticket to see this movie on opening day or weekend. It is a lot like the Planet Earth series which I so love and adore. DH is going to buy me the series as I can't get enough of it. Just thought that I would share it if anyone was interested.
Third thing is there is a company called TerraCycle.com that recycles old juice boxes like Capri Suns and Kool Aid and cookie wrappers like Oreos and such. Check out the site and you will see how amazing it is. Also, you can earn money for recycling. Say for every juice container you submit you get .02 cents. If it is something that you buy anyways why not make a small return on it. The money does not go back to you, but it is donated to the charity of your choice. Check out the site for further information as they can explain it far better than I can.
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
When making butterfly
When making butterfly gardens don't forget you will need 2 close together. One for the caterpillars and one for the butterflies to feed on. This is part of what is in mine.
Caterpillar Host:
Daisy, Snapdragons, Hollyhocks, Sunflowers, Milkweed, Asters, Honeysuckle and a Dogwood.
Butterfly Nectar Source:
Asters, Grape Hyacinth, Zinnias, Cosmos, Purplecone Flower, Sunflowers, Black-eyed Susans, Verbena, Jasmine, a Dogwood and a Holly.
Then I have my hummingbird gardens but that's another subject. Last year we put in a pond with a waterfall and it gets covered with butterflies.
Sounds beautiful FM. I could sit in a chaise and gaze out your window for hours my friend. Pure and natural beauty.
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
I love pools and fountains,
I love pools and fountains, I have several small ones in my house. There is something so relaxing about the sound of running water. The thing is to turn off the water at night or not have anything to drink before bed. Doesn't bother me but when the grandkids visit there have been a couple of accidents.
Plus H says he has to get up constantly when they are on. I like to think of it as my own private jungle.
Whiskey barrels
If you can find one for cheap make good patio fountains. We got lucky at Orshelens and found them for $5.00 each at the end of the season. They make liners that will fit right in the barrel. Just buy a cheap pump, I use a copper tea pot to funnel the water back into the barrel. It's really easy. I also made a clay pot fountain to go on the front porch. My large saucer that holds the water broke over the winter so I need to go back to Lowes and get another one. We have a larger pond in the back that DH and I spend a lot of time at. If anyone is interested, I write articles about how to do this stuff and you can PM me for the links.
"OCD sucks"
Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to destroy.
--Henri de Lubac