I've come to the conclusion they're all insane!!!
Let me give you the cliff notes of my weekend. Friday was the only day in a long time FH and I could have any adults-only time. We went to dinner, had a couple drinks, and a beautiful evening. We talked...well he talked alot, about things that he needed to vent about and just give us a state-of-the-relationship thing. It was a great night.
Saturday we were having his dad over for dinner. He's been around alot more than ever in FH's life. Part of that was because his wife just died a few weeks ago. And I also learned it was because him and his wife hated the BM...apparently FH's mom hated her with a passion from day one...that's why they never came around--something FH mentiones ad nauseum...how they never came over. Anyhoo, I heard alot from my soon to be FIL and he's fully supportive of me and how good I am for FH and the boys. He also knew that BM has been treating me like sh*t from day one. He was angry that she is such a wench to me when I'm doing her job. Long story short, FIL was glad that FH and the skids have me. He wants me to have some of his wife's jewelery and things--that meant alot.
Anyways, that all was Saturday afternoon and evening. Earlier in the day, I was out cleaning the patio furniture and cleaning the grill (part of my LoveDare)when I look up on the hill behind our house and lo and behold, who do I see??? That's right, crazyBM. Our house backs up to the 50 acre lot that is attached to the grade school. So there was BM with "the dog" from my earlier posts...that one that was supposed to be living somewhere out in the country. Apparently, the dog lives somewhere around the block and, here's the best part, BM comes over and walks her. So apparently who ever is kenneling the dog--friend,family, new owner--that all is irrelevant, because BM is going to do the walking. Apparently, she'd called the boys to come over to the hill to see the dog...you know, the one they never took care of in any way and didn't care that she left. But BM had to make a big production of having the dog there for them to see. Uggg!
So, of course BM saw me out doing the patio and getting ready for our dinner, but she didn't say a word or come over or act like I even existed. Whatever... She's so frikkin nuts its not even funny. So FH comes home from running errands and I am at the door all on him like,"You're sure we're moving right? You're not tricking me? You really want to move and we're going to right?!" And he's all like, "uh, yeah..." He was confused, so I told him about BM and the dog deal, and he's like, "why can't you just get over it?!" I wanted to just beat him to death...seriously, how could he not understand why I'm miserable?! I live in a house she lived in and bought w/him 13 years ago. Her frikkin name is still on our mortgage(although he is the deeded owner). Her damn mail still comes here. I have to raise her kids and deal with her lack of parenting. Not to mention being snubbed by her every chance she gets. And now I'm supposed to be ok with her taking dogwalks in the school yard behind my house and stand there staring at our home like a frikkin stalker?! Is it me??? Seriously, you can tell me if I'm overreacting or just crazy. If I am crazy I'll gladly go to the nuthouse for a while to get away from these people! But seriously, is this all not completely deranged??!!!
So anyways, Sunday comes and we go looking at houses, yadda yadda yadda. Sunday afternoon, FH starts getting moodier and moodier because the kids aren't where they're supposed to be, there's multiple bikes on the lawn, yadda yadda yadda. Then dinner comes and he's mad because ss13 isn't home, so he locks him out. But then he shows up, so FH lets him in. But he's still grilling the chix, so ss13 goes to take a shower. FH brings in the chix and is p*ssed cuz ss isn't out of the shower. He shows up like literally 30 seconds later, but FH is mad. Then he's completely out of his mind because I made his mother's potato salad from the recipe his dad gave me yesterday, and the boys wouldn't try any. FH was mad because I spent like 2 hours making it and he was seriously mad at them. So dinner was incredibly tense and I wound up fighting with FH because he was so mean to the boys. I was like, you've allowed the behaviors to go on for years, so now you can't just say "no more"...you have to ease them into it, and you don't do that by being a mean crazy psycho! So FH went on and on about how he's gonna do what he wants to do whenever he wants to do it...I said that's not a marriage and I want out if that's how it's gonna be. And he said...you'll love this....he goes into this big speech about how he's gonna leave, and I can keep the house and the kids and he'll pay me child support!!! (OK, seriously, where is that jaw drop icon?lol :jawdrop:) I was so stunned I was like, are you serious?! These aren't even my kids!!!! YOU made them, not me!!! I missed the first 13 years of their lives, so if they're not all you want them to be you only have you and BM to blame!!!! How can you put this all on me when I've only just come into this situation?! You're literally going to give me your kids and pay child support???? Are you nuts???!!!
I said,"Are you having a flashback to BM times, because here's some info...I'm LT, not BM!!! These are not my kids!!!!"
So I decided to go away for a while and FH went off to rent a movie. The sad part was that although his kids didn't hear us fighting, before I left, the oldest wanted to come with me and chill in the park too. I normally go to the park to cry when FH upsets me and I don't want the kids to see. SS14 was feeling bad too I guess and thought he would go and chill out there with me...but I said, why don't you go down to boynextdoor's house and chill there for a while. I didn't want him to see me cry either.
I am just so tired of this crap. FH is nuts...the BM is definitely a raging psycho. And here I am stuck in the middle, raising someone else's kids...and all I get is crap from everyone. FH is an ass to me, BM is an absolute byotch, and then their "mutual friends" love to take jabs at me and be snotty arrogant rich bitches... Is it any wonder I'm exhausted and ready to call it quits? I feel bad for the skids because it's not their fault their parents are psycho. But I'm not sure how much longer I can do this.
One thing is absolutely certain...if FH starts golfing like he said, and doesn't come home for dinner, and starts "putting himself first ahead of everyone" I am absolutely leaving. I'm still trying right now, but if that's how it's gonna be, I'm definitely outta here.
Thanks for listening.
Hugs, LT
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you need a restraining order
and quick.
that's actually a good point
but she was on public property at the time. What I'm going to do is document anything like this that she does and bring it up at therapy. The therapist my FH and I share also takes care of the skids, so if he's aware of what's happening he might be able to do something. Plus documenting it will help if I do have to get a restraining order.
That's a lot to take in LT. Do you think that maybe Dh is having Grief issues and should seek counseling on his own?
As far as him leaving you the kids that's a big no no. They at=re HIS kids.
Doesn't BM have a man? WHy is she so obssesed with your lives?
One can only hope!
Hi girl!
I dont' know for sure O8. He has problems periodically where he freaks out at the kids, but alot of that has to do with his guilt-parenting. He's working with SuperShrink to address his parenting issues...SuperShrink may suck at marital relationships, but he has been good for FH in parenting issues for the most part.
BM does have a man...that's what's so infuriating. THe guy she was cheating on FH with is the one she's living with now. He's a cheat and isn't goign to marry her or give her any $$$ of her own, but she does get nice vacations, jewelry and cars. He's saving his $$$ for his own kids who are grown and out of the house.
I don't know why BM is so obsessed. I think part of it is she likes making me miserable, at least that's what fh thinks. She knows that her presence near my home makes me wanna pick up an assault rifle and say "oh, oopsie I thought that was a deer...wearing big azzed lisa loeb glasses."lol FH thinks that I need to "let it go" and not react or care, but that would be alot easier to do if I wasn't already feeling rubbed the wrong way all the time anyhow. I don't know how to make it simpler for him....I live in her house, get her mail, am marrying her exH, and am raising her kids...of course I am "sick" of her and want her to go away. If I didn't have all these other remnants of her around I wouldn't hate her as much as I do. There's only so much stuff anyone can take before they break.
Yes they are all insane!!!
I just can't understand why the don't get the reasons that we are miserable. My BF often looks at me like a deer in headlights? :O
I know that look!!!!! LOL
You sure nailed it. I've explained to fh up and down why I get upset, but he just doesn't get it. I've tried turning the tables and saying what if that was my exH (whom he hates) out in the yard staring at the house and luring the skids out with the dog that they didn't ever want....I said he'd feel unhappy and angry, etc, too. But like I said, he doesn't get it. FH's response is that if he can let it go and shake hands w/the man BM was cheating with and see him at games and whatnot, I should be able to see BM w/o clubbing her to death like a baby seal.LOL (ok, seriously just kidding)
The point I tell fh is that he doesn't live in the house the guy bm shacked up with (I call him the cryptkeeper), and his mail doesn't come here and crypto doesn't just pop in whenever he feels like or come dogwalking in the yard. Its completely different.
I've given this alot of thought and I would like Wii to come up with a system for these men to experience OUR lives. Give them the controller and let them see how it is to have crazy people messing with us and screwing around in our lives.LOL Because until they can actually experience it, they'll never understand.
Hugs, LT
Whoa Lil T...your plate is getting too full
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
What with him wanting to leave and pay you child support? He is not thinking clearly-that's so far out in left field it's not even funny.
As for your FH wanting to do whatever it is he want to do-guess what? He's got kids-that kind of thinking is for singles without children.
Sounds more like you're the one who can decide to so whatever you want to do...
He had a totally off day yesterday
But what upsets me is I wonder how "off" it is? I mean, maybe somewhere he is having a mid-life crisis and wants the harley and to not be saddled with a house and kids... Not just not only be saddled with his kids, but if we have a baby too.
I'd discussed that with him the previous day saying it's not fair...he's lived his life...gotten the marriage, the homes, the kids, etc..and I've had nothing but a broken marriage and lost my home...I want my dream to come true. I told him, which I've said before, if my dream isn't your dream, we need to go our separate ways...but he assured me he wants that dream too.
I dunno tho...I still think he's nuts.
Girl, I know how you feel about the BM showing up randomly. I wish I had some hex sticks to beat around when she does, like they do to lions and bears in the movies, lol.
As for all the other stuff, whoa! That's a lot for one person. Does FH see the therapist too? Sounds like he needs to. He's a little all over the place. The kids probably aren't sure what to think. Maybe they should be included in a family meeting and re-establish the house rules. It might help clear the lines of parenting that have been blurred.
*big hugs* Take a breather and think things over.
You are so right on!!!
The kids were as dumbfounded as me! Neither one said anything, but me, big mouth that I am went ball to the wall with him and yelled back at him for being mean to the kids and acting like a total spaz!
I couldn't just let him go all nuts on them and not saying...I realize they're not mine but I won't have them verbally abused or gaslighted like that, it's just not right...even I didn't understand what he was mad about. Like I say, I think it had something to do with the potato salad...it was his mom's recipe and i made it(which he appreciated) but the kids wouldn't try until he yelled at them. Like they say, if you're fighting over potato salad, it isn't the potato salad you're fighting about...its something deeper. I just don't want that deeper issue to be he doesn't want another baby or to be tied to a house.
I would like to get the kids into the therapy session...I think it was actually scheduled a while back. The therapist was seeing ss13 with FH, and then he wants to see all of us at some point and do a few family sessions...but he wanted that to be after fh and I sort out our issues.
Yes I need a breather.LOL I want to just get away for a couple of days and just decompress.
Hugs, LT
Okay, you guys really,
Okay, you guys really, really need to move! No way could I live in a house BM lived in, plus her still being on the mortgage! My DH was kinda in the same situation. He moved in with me, and the house was in mine & my ex's name. He co-signed with me to take out a small 2nd (10K) to re-do the floors and pay my exH $1800 to sign the deed over to me (he's dumb but whatever! worked for me). My exH only lived in this house for 6 months though. Just last month, I finally refinanced it because rates actually dropped lower than they were in 2004 when I bought it, so I was able to put my DH on the mortgage, get my exH off, and add DH to the title. I think it really messes with us territorial women if we have to live in a house that the ex lived in. I can understand wanting to get your own house that she's never set foot in! Obviously your DH was having a bad day with regards to his comment about his kids. I agree though, keep an eye on his behavior.
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
I had talked with FH the day before about us maybe keeping the house and just doing an addition...that was before I knew the BM was making dogwalking her pasttime....that and stalking my house.
We were going to get me onto our deed/mortgage and dump her off since the only reason she's there is to drop the rate a couple of points cuz she works for the bank. I want her off, off, off...no nothing of hers anywhere. I've been throwing out her mail...catalogs, etc, or marking them "addressee unknown return to sender". I'm done and through with her in my life in any way more than has to be. If FH doesn't get with that, I'll know he's up to no good w/her and I'll be done, over and out.
I hope Mel he was having a bad day and that's all...his behvaior can be so weird sometimes I do seriously wonder if he would get fed up (mid life crisis maybe?) and leave me with the kids and the house. I think you did a super job getting things in order for your H! I hope mine will do half as good a job for me.
Hugs, LT
I agree
I would feel really awkward living in a house that still technically belonged to BM.
But that's just me
she's just on the mortgage
so he gets the lower rate. He's got the deed and whatnot, so he is the owner...but I get your point.
It's just like, there's too much of their mess left around for us to be free. I want to be as free of their mess as possible. I feel like I'm busy spending my life, living my life, cleaning up the mess they made.
Hugs, LT