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SD's early diagnosis...

Loststepmom's picture

To whoever have followed my story...

BD is with us now, and we are very happy to be back with our babygirl...

SD12's early diagnosis is a severe personality disorder; Antisocial personality disorder, although since she is NOT 18 years old, in her case, is Conduct disorder... with PSYCHOPATHIC traits...

It feels so weird how we say the word "psycho" many, many times... and only 1% of the population is truly psychopathic.

This almost describes her entire personality:
"Common psychopathological traits include the following: glib and superficial charm; grandiose sense of self-worth; need for stimulation; pathological lying; cunning and manipulativeness; lack of remorse or guilt; shallow affect; callousness and lack of empathy; parasitic lifestyle; poor behavioral controls; promiscuous sexual behavior; early behavior problems; lack of realistic, long-term goals; impulsivity; irresponsibility; failure to accept responsibility for own actions; many short-term marital relationships; juvenile delinquency; revocation of conditional release; and criminal versatility. Psychopaths are the worse kinds of narcissists. They not only disregard society and social cues, they carry this disdain for rules to the extreme, calculating and scheming ruthlessly. They are notoriously callous career criminals. They enjoy what they do. The bottom line is that psychopaths are deliberately, energetically, joyfully evil."

This weren't so devastating news, as we pretty much knew something was SERIOUSLY wrong with this child, I even feel sorry for her, because I don't think she would EVER be a productive member of society... and I truly think she will grow up to be an extremely dangerous human...

She is incredibly smart; her math skills are above her age and level she is 12 and her level is more of the average student in senior high school. And is like a BIG waste of a brain... because it can only function maliciously...

Right now she is in a psychiatric center for teenagers... And who knows for how long...

DH has been way better than what I expected... He has accepted the whole situation very well...


WowjustWow's picture

I almost wonder if there is some Autistic tendencies with SD as well. Often Autistic children will be off the charts academically, but can't function normally in a social respect. Is this the State's psychologist diagnosis? I would also request to have her checked by a private Dr. if you all have insurance to cover it.

Mt heart goes out to you and your family. I hope there is help for SD.

~ Formerly ToTheEdge. I have stepped down from the ledge.

Loststepmom's picture

had BD (6 months old) AND SD (12) because SD broke her arm, and lied about it (blaming us) so CPS took them away from us...

Later on, she confessed she had lied, and was actually easy to prove she has been dysfunctional/dangerous/malicious her whole entire life...

Loststepmom's picture

BM gave her rights off almost 2 years ago... because she could not handle her daughter anymore, and thanks to her daughter her heart disease (whatever it is) got more complicated...

She claimed SD's behavior was out of control and she needed to be in a psychiatric, DH was pretty much blind to her mentally ill behavior (I was too)... It wasn't until not long ago that he started admitting that maybe SD is not normal...

But BM claimed to have an evil child, and guess what, she was right... BM got married and ha two boys, and SD was very abusive to one of them, and Bm's marriage was falling apart because of her...

The thing is that after their divorce BM moved to another state, so he pretty much became a CS father... and would only see SD a weekend every other month (sometimes every month) after a few years (when she was 9), BM came back to this city because of her financial situation AND SD being out of control... and SD was actually OK when i met her... then i married my husband when she was 10 and whe came to live with us about 9 or 8 months after our marriage, and thats where everything started...

Sasha's picture

I think in the olden days they would say she needs to be locked up in a hospital for the "criminally insane." I would think that she would have to be evaluated to determine if she even should be released. I would encourage your H and BM check to see if the facility where she is has social workers that would give you all a better idea of just how this process works and what your other options / alternatives may be if or when the times comes that she is released.

Please keep us posted.


Loststepmom's picture

We have a Social worker assigned to us.

Anon2009's picture

I'm so glad you got your BD back, and I will pray for all of you, especially SD, that she'll get the help she needs.

SD really needs DH and yourself in her life. Her mom has given up on her. I can't even begin to imagine the pain she has gone through because of that. Both of you should write to her, call her, and visit her as much as the psychiatric center in which she currently resides will allow. She could also benefit from 1-on-1 time with her dad, so every few visits, maybe he could go there by himself to see her. I know that her behavior has put you through so much, but she has already had one parent abandon her.

(((HUGS))) and prayers to you, DH, BD and SD.

Sunflower's picture

I am glad that your little girl is home and I am glad that SD is getting some much needed help. I agree with Anon visit her often dont give up on her too.That will only make her worse or hinder her recovery.SD may never be " a productive member of society" but she still needs to be loved.That is the only thing that will counter act the hate that is in her heart.I will keep praying for you all.