BM is a definite MORON-I flipped her off this time
If you don't know what I'm referring to you can read my blog "wave hello or flip her the birD"
BM lives on a very busy residential street that people use as a's in the middle of the projects so it's heavily used. So here I am driving down it today to avoid some traffic on my way home and lo and behold Ms. Piggy and her mom are in their truck sitting there..looks like they were getting ready to I drive by minding my own business and she LAYS on the horn like I had just cut her off in traffic or this time I had no kids so I raised my arm up high out my window and gave her the bird.
So I call FH and tell him to tell her to nip it in the bud cuz' I'm sick of it..I don't do shytt to her and next time I will park my truck, get out and confront her. Now I would call her up myself but her phone got disconnected and I won't call her mom's phone out of respect (even though her mom is as bad as her at being ignorant and rude). So FH calls her up and she had the most moronic answer ever" well she drove down my street"..ARE YOU FRIGGEN KIDDING ME? He told her off. He told her that 1)it's a public street. 2) what about the other times she laid the horn on other streets 3) and that she comes to my house once a week to drop their son off and I don't give her drama or even get out of bed when she comes that she seriously needs to get a life.
I'm laughing but at the same time ticked off because I couldn't get the chance to tell her off myself.
But yea..seriously..can you spell GET A LIFE MORON.
- kaffonseca's blog
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That had to have felt good!! I would love to have seen their faces when you actually did something back to them. They lay on their horn, but how DARE you respond in any way. LOL!!! Good job!
Wooooooo to the freaking
hooooooo!!!!!!!! I'm glad you let that bird fly. Enough is enough.
Oh, and go your DH!
~Happiness is defined by the smile on your face, not the frown on others.~
Awesome!!!! Give it to her
Awesome!!!! Give it to her again for me
You dont know how much I long to do that with our BM!! I just have until September of this year then I can let her have it. For now I will smile and think of what you have done
What a hilarious peice of trash she is lol. Maybe you should tell her that the street isnt hers but there is bridge nearby that could use a new troll lol! Good for you hun and I am glad your man backs you up!!
Is Miss Piggy
your stepdaughter or an older child from someone else? If she is your step daughter,- even if she didn't see it- you know darn well mom told her about the flipping the bird...but if that is your stepdaughter that gesture will be used by her (and/or mom) as another thing you did wrong.
I have all sorts of thoughts of things I would looooove to do or say to sm, I never do then though because I want kiddo to see me behaving in a certain way- respectful, adult like, cooperative....if it so happens that sm's behavior (or in your case the mom's behavior) is such that the comparison puts her in a negative light in his eyes....that is her burden to bear.
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards
Appropriate? That depends on the history.
I tend to lay it all out in court so there is no question how big of a dipshit waste of skin BioDad and his worthless POS mother are. I am very professional ruthless, cutthroat and thorough in my presentation of information and when I am asked my opinion I let it rip (with no profanity)).
But, the few times I have seen them outside of court I put a big old shit-eat-in grin on my face and wave real big at them while silently though very demonstratively mouthing what ever word happens to come to my mind about how F-in worthless they are.
That way they can't go back to my SS with "Your SDad said/did xyzlmnop."
Best regards,