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21 year old Stepdaughter is rude

LOVE0926's picture

Hi all. Ive been with my husband for 6 years married one month. He has Two children a 21 year old daughter and an 18 year old son. Both children in the beginning of our relationship lived with his ex wife. his son when he was 13 asked me if he can move in with us. "Of course" was my response, he moved in and is still with us today. However his daughter has never liked me, her father asked her why don't you like her, her response to her father was I DONT KNOW I JUST DONT. I have been nice to her from the beginning and she holds resentment towards her father because he would pick them up leave them with his parents and go out. He left her mother because she cheated on him and put him in a lot of debt. My husband spoke to his children and has apologized for his mistakes with them. His daughter obviously cant get over it. Everything is always a secret, he is the last to know. Her mother allowed her to move out when she was a teenager allowed her to come and go as she pleases. she moved out to live with her boyfriend and cheated on him never paid the bills that she was responsible for and always had her house in complete disarray. Her stepfather which she loves dearly told her that she couldn't move back in with them because there was no room. (There is always room for your child). She moved in with us. She shows her father complete disrespect by not answering his calls comes home when she wants doesn't say hello or goodbye to her family myself and my family.. I'm totally done we have had over 5 talks with her and she just doesn't seem to care. Her father tells her all the time that she is wrong with how she is acting towards him, her brother and myself. her father asked her why don't you answer any of my calls her response was Now you want to call me a lot but before you didn't call me as much. ( So she is basically doing this on purpose). I have to mind my manners because it is his daughter, but I did tell her if she thinks that I'm going to ride her emotional roller coaster with her she is sadly mistaken because I refuse to do that. I also told her I don't know what circus she's used to with her stepdad and her mother but there are rules here that she has to obey. I always speak to her in front of her father so there is no miscommunications. there is more but that is the bulk of this rude 21 year old.

LOVE0926's picture

thank you. yeah I was thinking when she does something to nip it in the butt right there and then no matter who is around. what do you think

LOVE0926's picture

the other day she brought a car how don't know don't care but she opens the door really happy and says hello D wanna see my new car I said no thanks. She cant pick and choose when she want to be nice or a B.

notasm3's picture

Rule #1 in life:


This includes:

Other relatives
Other non-relatives
Close friends

Basically any adult (or minor you are not legally responsible for) who brings chaos and ill will to your home.