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5 days of lazy ass skids doing nothing but gaming. .I've had enough

Mentalgirl48's picture

Cant wait to get back to work today.skids have been here for 5 fucking days and I've had enough. Saturday I exploded on dad. I kept myself busy and on Saturday decided to to clean up the neighborhood side walks that no one pays attention to in my I busted a move and spent three hours pulling up trash and bagging up debris with no help.Lazy boys all inside on their asses gaming.I stormed into the house and told dad if they can't get off their asses to help out they can go home. He got mad at me for my style of communication. And angrily ordered them to get to work. Fat boy had an ingrown toenail so he whines and cried about doing anything at all.

So he sat on the sidewalk and picked out some weeds. Other boy took 10 minutes and held the bags opened for me. Wow.
What way to raise elf entitled lazy fuck offs.
And dad sees nothing wrong in their laziness.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

It's all relative. Small mind equals small thoughts. I swear, our work ethics are so much better than those of this entitled generation.

Hide the game controllers. }:) I take the keyboard to work with me so SD13 can't get online.

~ Moon

Mentalgirl48's picture

Fat boy wanted to spend the day with his girlfriend.I told dad that before that happens he needs to be a contributing human and do an hour of agreed but I know he didn't care for my demand. Fat boy did 30 minutes of sitting pulling weeds..and got to spend the entire next day with his gf..great.

Maganamitre04's picture

Isn't it a damn shame when you see capable bodies that could be helping vs being lazy that it takes YOU to put your foot down and become the enforcer in the house!!! Like seriously! I'm sure you didn't want to come off that way, but I bet it was irritating you more and more while you were out there doing and wondering why in the hell youre doing it alone!!!? 

Oh I watched my SS many of times do this and I found it appalling that DH would not think to make or tell SS to help for anything. Grocery shopping, he gets out the car walks in the house to CONTINUE on his phone. While my BD16 comes out and helps without being told. 

Anything that could require an actual hand in help he steady stays inside. So I always make it a point to get his ass up and help. I don't care if he huffs and puffs- it isn't going to kill him!


good job on getting their asses up! 

Rags's picture

And why wasn't your DH with you working?  I would have climbed his ass for being worse than his failed family toxic spawn.
