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StepMama's picture


Is there a place where all the acronyms are defined? I'm having a hard time with keeping up with what certain acronyms mean.

Please let me know... Thanks!!

Anon2009's picture

Hi StepMama,

Here are some important ones:

SM= stepmom
BF= boyfriend, bio-father
BM= bio mom (or bowel movement)
SD= stepdaughter
SS= stepson
DH= dear husband
DD= dear daughter
DS= dear son
BD= bio=daughter
BS= bio-son
CS= child support
PAS= parental alienation syndrome
CO= court order
CP= custodial parent
NCP= non custodial parent

Those are the ones I can think of.

Welcome to steptalk Smile

CalgonTakeMeAway's picture

Thanks! Smile