Adult Skids....
Hey, you forgot to call your dad on his birthday. Do you not realize that you cut him deeply. I know you didn't ask for this life. But he loves you. I on the other hand, see you. You amaze me on the manupulation you have achieved in your adult life.
When steps say they disengage, I am curious to see how this affects the family. I saw a recent post on this same question. For me, I did disengage, but the skid turned it around in their favor. Became the victim and here we are. They took it out on the whole family. The only advice I see possible, is to let it play itself out. I'd like to go back to the time where everyone is fine, and I am just the step to be disengaged.
I had disengaged from my skids late 2018.
Had been disengaged at least 9 months yet eldest sd calls daddy who was working overseas (state next to hers and her workplace a 5 min walk from hubbys that they could easily meet for lunch), she was fake crying on the phone blaming me (his wife) and our 2 kids aged 2.5 & 3.5 for existing and why they had a lack of relationship with daddy.
lets ignore the fact sd's chose to end their relationship with their dad for over 5.5 yrs over lies their mum made about their dad that they knew were lies. Easier to scapegoat and blame us than take responsibility for their own actions and inaction.
i told off my husband that he was a shitty husband and dad for allowing them to blame us instead of firmly telling them off but guilty daddy syndrome and all
I don't get it.. if you are
I don't get it.. if you are disengaged from the kids.. why would you be telling them they missed their dad's birthday?
That would be an issue wholly between your DH and his kids.
If the kids are mad you disengaged from them? I doubt they care doesn't impact them does it? it's just the absence of your involvement and they are adults.. so.. I wouldn't expect much involvement.
I mean.. how would they even know you disengaged?
Need To Review Your Disengagement
Disengagement is for you, not others, regardless of what they "do" with YOUR disengagement. I am disengaged from DHs kids; 5 years since I've seen them. DH is still in relation. If he doesn't get invites or phone calls or treated the way I think he should, I do NOT get invloved. It's not my business. It's DHs job to deal with his kids. The best you can do is offer your DH sympathy and lend an ear, but don't take on his pain. Again, his issue to deal with. I've gone as far as to not even "look" via the internet for info on DHs kids. The little I know over the five years is the few things he's let slip.
So again, review your disengagement and make some adjustments. Search this'll get ample suggestions and ideas.
Yeah Spawn plays victim card
Yeah Spawn plays the victim card all the time, I honestly don’t care because the people she knows aren’t any people I care to know. DH’s parent’s aren’t happy that DH and Spawn are estranged and I have let them know often it’s not up to me to repair that relationship, it’s up to Spawn and DH and neither of them are doing anything. I have zero qualms about sharing my side of what happened to us while we were raising Spawn.
You might be disengaged but
You might be disengaged but when the skids do stuff like this , it does affect the mood in the house. It's not easy to watch your beloved spouse get abuse heaped on him on special days. It is nice not be in the crosshairs anymore, thanks to disengagement. My point is , just because you disengaged, doesn't mean the abuse stops affecting the home, it just has a different target who still reacts to it.
What S.S.H. Said
To explain, I did disengage two years ago. However, the step spun it around to fit the manupulation, and like S.S.H. said, "affect the mood in the house". We had a falling out. The grandchild is no longer invited to see me, which makes the aunts and DH going out of their way to see their niece, grandchild. The latest insult was to not contact DH on his birthday. She thinks she is punishing me, but it is affecting the entire family. Like I said, it'll just have to play out.
how did they know.. being
how did they know.. being disengaged doesn't necessarily mean you put pause to being civil or even nice to people in your home.. it actually might be more common for you to be out doing your thing when they visit.. your disengagement is generally more not participating in their drama.. and not asking after their work.. life.. etc.. just pleasantries.. how is the weather... oh.. the kids are getting so big.. nothing too deep.. that's it.. and you don't go out of your way to serve them.. you let your spouse do that.. you don't sit there in rude, stony silence. .. or worse.. announce disengagement.. you can acknowledge them of course.. just don't get into deep dive stuff with them.
Such a great description.
You should make this a post and expand on what disengagement can look like. It's not designed to hurt people. It's designed to give us and our marriage peace.
My adult steps also punish
My adult steps also punish their father, my DH, when something doesn't happen the way they think it should
I have learned not to let it affect me at all. If DH wants to talk about it, ok, but there has to be a goal. Not just poor-poor me. If DH is mopey I find other things to do. I am NOT getting sucked in to their dysfunction.
This is the result of DH being a friend-parent, letting his kids call the shots from the time they were little. Now when he doesn't do as they command, he pays for it. I don't care if they blame me. And while I do hate it for DH, it's completely not my circus.
This Is My Mindset
I've gotten past it affecting me. I feel sorry for my DH but his issues today are from his own past "parenting" behaviors. He's always been okay with how his kids behaved and I have no control over that. And why should my emotional health be affected by it all? That's their dysfunction. I have my own family issues to deal with.....I'm not taking on DHs.
I call it Victimology
Ive disengaged to the point where I am a cordial polite "dads wife". And yes they notice. They try to suck you back in with their drama. SD16.5 Power Sulk told me during a recent meltdown/discussion "you only see me as grades or dishes", so that was her spin. I used to be super involved, so once I disengage I then just was only about the things that affected me. The dishes. Her grades and attendance (I figured if she has no other job, she needs to at least graduate high school...)
So, now, SD23 Feral Forger is "somewhere out there", but no contact, because she is not allowed back to live with us.
Forget about birthdays, or fathers day.
Husband is reaping the rewards of being a lazy parent.
Feral Forger, well, I did try once. Sent her bday presents gave her cash took her out to lunch just her and I. And all she can really say is that I "took her dad away".
Victim Status
Dang it some skids are so skilled at manipulating and twisting everything so they are the victim.
Disengage you are cold and not trying. Involved, they already have a mom back off. They have every right to who they choose to have a relationship with, they are adults now. The double standard, SM has no rights making that choice, cause if she disengages SHE is hurting the " toxic family"
Danged if you do, danged if you dont.
Yes this does affect the whole family when the skids create the "Victim Narrative".
Going Great For My Family
I disengaged from all but 1 SD and it has worked out well. There were some rough emotions at first, but since they are older and out of state it is not in our faces constantly which allows us to move on.
The hard part and the issue I am now dealing with is how to handle my biological children who loved their SDs but their SDs decided to go a different direction without them. I do not see this as a huge deal since they are younger and more resilient, but I did notice my son acting out and had to have a heart-to-heart with him. He expressed his frustrations about 1 of his half-sisters that he was close to and I explained that she is grown up, and loves him, but had to move on just like he will one day.
My home is really starting to take a different shape as I now am getting close to 3 months without contact with my SDs. They no longer get my wife and I's attention and our focus is on us having a great marriage and raising up these other 5 great kids.
My 1 SD that is still in contact tried to speak to me this past weekend and wanted to tell me the drama from the other 3 and I shut her down and told her I don't want to hear it. She politely moved on.
Birthdays, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Christmas, Easter, etc. I am sure they won't acknowledge the sacrifice we made for them, but that is on them and not me. They wanted their space and we are starting to enjoy ours now.
Oh yes. Victim mode. One of my pet peeves.
Most of my IL clan suffered from it for many, many years. Idiot bosses that fired them because they knew more than the boss (no mentioin of the missed work, safey violations, disruptive behavior, etc...), no admitted cognition that they are the common denominator cause of their own repeated crap.
It is always someone else's fault.
I avoid people that pull this crap like the plague. They are a plague. Fortunately in the case of my IL clan, most of them have reduced their engagement with victim mode over the years. But .... DW and I both are always on watch for that shoe to drop again.