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silver ring's picture

Hello, everyone!

Long time, no see...:)

A little bit on my issue today...I have a 6 year-old step son who lives with my husband and I on a daily basis. His biological mother decided that she could no longer deal with him so she gave him to my husband when the child was 2 years old. He has been living with us since then. She calls every now and then to talk to him.

Long story short...My husband is out of town currently and I have the whole responsibility of taking care of my stepson.
Anyway...we were at the gym yesterday evening from 6:20 pm to 7:35 pm. She called while I was in my fitness class and I did not answer the phone because I was not available.She left a voice mail and I was going to call her after I was done. She called my husband to make a whole drama out of it. How she wanted to talk to her biological son and I did not answer the phone because I did not want to have the child talk to her! This infuriated me a lot as I know it is just a facade.

What should I do about it? Talk to her and address this issue or just ignore her?

Thank you all for your consideration in this matter.

twopines's picture

Ignore. Never explain yourself. They are not going to have a "ZOMG you're right and I'm so sorry!" moment.

silver ring's picture

Thank you, Ladies, for your words. I don't need to explain myself to her. But the fact that she tries to paint the image of a concerned "mommy" makes me angry. When I know that I invest a lot of time and effort in raising this child.
To AnaR: she gave up on her parental rights 4 years ago, but decided that she wants to stick around so she can ease her guilt of abandoning her biological son. So, she is a parent whenever it suits her image and her family.

silver ring's picture

I don't know what she is trying to prove. She is not proving anything to me and the people that know what she is capable of. Even her family.