am i crazy for even thinking?
my bf and i recently got engaged and all last summer when my soon-to-be sd and i were acctually getting along i heard all kinds of whoes about how when bm and her hubby were to be married that sd wasn't included in anything. that she was promissed to be the maid of honor than at the last mintue was told no.
she used to call me her 2nd mom. so i told here if her dad and i ever were going to get married that i would love her to be my maid of honor, then she seemed happy. now things are very different between us and she spends alot of energy hating everything about me right down to the scent of dish soap i buy.
so am i crazy for even thinking i want this kid in our wedding? a part of me can see no one else but her up there but another says not to, that she would do everything she could to ruin our wedding. she probably won't even want to anyway but do i ask her and try to include her or should i wait and see if she finally snaps out of it and have a plan b to fall back on.
got any advice i could use? i would love to hear it.
May be time to be the Bigger Person
Have you talked to her about still be involved in the wedding? She may just flat out say NO and you don't even have to worry about it. I would still give her the opportunity to take part. Maybe she is assuming you have changed your mind and is lashing out in advance... has there been any discussion as far as wedding plans go at all? Remember what it is like to be a young lady- hormonal and ALL- I remember how moody I was through my tween and teenage years. Possible she is just being a GIRL? Keep the lines of communication open, even if she doesn't want to talk- let her know that you will always be there to listen. ask her what has changed in your relationship that would make her act this way toward you. Just be open and honest and she may surprise you and give you the same in return.
Its your wedding
You do what you want to. Its your day, and basically since you and here cant stand each other, I see no reason to include her. imo she should consider herself fortunate to get an invite. Enjoy your special day.