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Anyone Else's Skid Constantly Saying "I Love You" to You?

sunshinex's picture

This is kind of odd but I've noticed that my stepdaughter, who is 6, literally constantly says "i love you" to me... probably about 10 times a day. She doesn't do this to anyone else. She lives with us full-time. I just find it kind of strange. It seems to have started in the past year or so.. since her father and I got married/pregnant shortly after.

Could it be something to do with the baby? Or maybe she's looking for reassurance? I'm not sure how to handle it because it's fine once in a while but it almost makes me uncomfortable how often she says it because while I say it back, I don't truly love her per say, at least, not enough to feel normal saying it a billion times.

fairyo's picture

Let her do it- don't respond, just carry on as normal. She'll stop doing it. When she's a horrible teenager you'll wish she was six again lol!

Cooooookies's picture

My BS16's daycare lady watched children from her home and was amazing. Since she watched young children all day, they all used to tell her "I love you B". Her response? "Thank you".

I think that's a great response as you're not saying it back and you're not ignoring it either. Would you be comfortable saying thank you? That way you're not saying it back when it's not true.

SS14 does this to me and it makes me cringe. I figure he just feels insecure because BM2 has F all to do with him. I just say thanks and continue with what I'm doing. I don't love him but don't want to be rude either.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

This was how I handled it when my partners son started telling me he loved me after only 3 months. For sure didn't feel right but I didn't want to hurt his feelings or impact the possible future relationship.

Thank you worked out perfectly until I felt commited enough to respond back differently.

Disillusioned's picture

Good advice above....maybe your SD just needs some reassurance that she's still important, and loved

sunshinex's picture

Thanks everyone. Some great advice here.

I actually don't mind the occassional "I love you" because I do want her to grow up feeling loved by me since her mom is so uninvolved, and on some level, I do love her... Just not enough to be comfortable with constant mushiness LOL I will start saying "thank you" to some of them, and if she inquires why, I'll just let her know it's not something that needs to be said a million times.