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BF EX-inlaws are mettling

fedupinarkansas's picture

My BF ex-inlaws still act like he is married to his ex. I can't stand it. The ex already treats me like sh*& and the fact that her family don't realize that they are exes does not help the situation. For example her car got repossessed and she didn't have a way to court. She got fired from Wal-Mart for stealing. Her mother called him and asked him to take her to court for her. Why couldn't she leave her their automobile and let her drive to court. Or they will call and be like would he take her to the grocery store. One day the ex called for him to come to his apartment and unstop her toilet because one of the kids stopped it up and her BF was there. He went over and unstopped the toilet. And to put cake on the icing they had plans (ex inlaws) and the ex was at work and he was about to go to work. She just said well your girlfriend is at home she can watch the kids until ex gets off. They call all times of the day and night. They borrow stuff and my ex doesn't see why i am upset.

still_looking's picture

This isn't a Ex-inlaws don't know the boundaries email, this is a BF won't say NO email. You cannot control what others do, this we all know, if we could we wouldn't be on this site! BUT you can control your response and your acceptance. SO BF must like being the taxi driver, the rescuer, I used to call it to my DH the SAVE A HOE MAN! Because if he didn't EX IN LAWS would be told NO. You're mad at the wrong person sweetie. Now him being a participant should cause you much concern and just as Fearless said, speak up now OR FOREVER hold your peace. If he tells you right now that what you are asking he could never do, wouldn't you want to know that now and not after marriage?
Do it now!

"Be there for the joy. Be there for the tears. Be there for each other."
(Step-Mom the Movie 1998)

stepmom101's picture

Girl first off I have to say you must be one strong woman to deal with something like that. And if you can put up with something like that then surely you can tell her and the ex inlaw where to get off. They are going to continue to mettle and bother you as long as you let them. I can promise you from previous experience with a somewhat likely situation that once you let you limit be known your relationship will be a whole lot better hang in there and if it's bothering you don't hesitate to let it be known.

fedupinarkansas's picture

I really appreciate the feedback. I feel like i am about to explode. Yesterday BF ex father in law just dropped off BF son at about 9 in the morning. We were sleep. They didn't call just dropped him off. Then EX dropped BF daughter off at about 8:30 last night. She is just stupid and i hate her guts. She pulled up in my driveway and asked BF for some money. He didn't answer her. BF son told her that his daddy didn't have any momey. i guess she called herself picking. I can't take it anymore. BF is a good man but his baggage is just not worth it to me anymore and the sad thing is thats exactly what she wants for him to be single. After yesterday i realized that in this relationship love is not enough.

happy's picture

Ask him what your place is? Ask him what and where do you fit in the life now. Rather then in his past life that he cannot seem to let go. Ask him if he is happy with you? IF he wants to make this relationship work then he has to give some to you. Its not all about him and his ex- family. If he would like to continue to have a solid decent relationship with you then he needs to let his past go. Parenting is one thing, paying child support is another. But letting them walk into your life as if they are his parents is another. Noone ever said that you have to except them.
Ask him all these things really calmly?
If he does not want to COMPROMISE Then there is issues..

" make sure you tell the people you love most EVERYDAY.. Its important not only for them to know but for you to tell.. Life is to short to be miserable..