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Bio Mom has SS3 (pottytrained for a year) in pullups!

matches343's picture

UGGG! Just another piss me off day on Saturday (our pick-up day). We picked SS3 up and took him to the hall where we belong as firefighters. When SS said he had to pee, I took him to the rest room, where I found out he was in a pull-up and had diaper rash again! I have had this kid potty trained for the last year with NO accidents during the day and about 5 or 6 overnight accidents- which I think is a hell of an accomplishment for a 3 year old that has gone through all the shit his bio-mom has!

But the issue is bothering me now that tomorrow is Wednesday (her pick-up day). I refuse to buy pullups to send him home in, and I also don't want to send a pair of undies we will never get back with him or we will get them back stained and I will just end up throwing them away. But I feel bad sending him with no underwear too. I'm just sick of this!

He constantly is coming back (after 3 days) with his mom, and has diaper rash, and his poor front- he complains it hurts and is itchy, its always very red when he comes back- (we don't think he gets a bath).

Just making me mad and needed to vent... don't know what to do about tomorrow. DH has told her many times to keep him out of the pullups that he hasn't had any accidents during the day for a year and overnights- who cares if you have to change sheets and blankets in the middle of the night- doesn't bother me- we have not had to do this for over 6 months, yet she refuses. He always asks us to use the rest room, which pisses me off too, when you have to go kiddo, just go. So idk if she doesn't allow him or what is going on, but I'm irritated today!

IAmALady77's picture

I would say that is grounds to take away or at least limit what visitation she has. Call your caseworker and let them know what is going on because that is child abuse :/ I'm sorry. but congrats on pottytraining so young! Biggrin

PeanutandSons's picture

While I completely agree that the kid shouldn't be put back in pull up after yes potty trained, I think its going a bit far to call it child abuse. It's also not negligence to not have a bath for three days. Shitty parenting, yes..... Child abuse and negligence, no.

Go to the dollar store( or Walmart) and buy a cheap package of underwear. If you lose them, you've only wasted a few dollars. By sending him back in pull UPS, you are basically confirming to bm that the pull UPS are ok.

Document to diaper rash, so if you end up back in court it can be brought up.