BM and Dopey are officially married....i'm bitter
they are having their 'ceremony' on the 14th, but went to the JP on friday. so its official. and sd13 is estatic over it.
i, on the other hand, have been with BF almost 8 years, and still not even a ring. MY choice, as sd is such a horror, i have put off marrying him. MY choice to shoot down his talks about marriage, all cause of sd13.
so why am i bitter? let me paint you a picture:
bm and dopey got together the same time bf and i did, their anniversary the 14th of december, mine with bf the 29th. they were together 5 years, broke up for for 3 and aare now back together and married. they never had problems with sd fuckin up their relationship. ever.
bm had bf kid-free, then got to experience things with him. she lost custody of sd when sd was like 3, so was 'free' so to speak to have a 'life'. i got with bf and he had full custody, and the kid hated me from first day. so, nothing but DRAMA!!!!!!!!!!
dopey thinks he knows how to handle sd. i told him to write a friggen book then and stfu about it cause i dnt want to hear it.
@they never had problems with
@they never had problems with sd fuckin up their relationship. ever.
Don't be so sure about that. No offense but you have no idea what goes on behind closed doors. I know this because I cannot stand my SS10 and I wish he wasn't here. To make matters worse, this kid LIVES with us. However, bm thinks it's ponies & cupcakes at my house. Granted, I am very very very happy w/dh but honestly, i wish he never had a kid. I would NEVERRRRRRRR let on that this kid is the biggest pain in my ass to bm because i want her to THINK everything is absolutely PERFECT!