BM and her every single day emails...... just nitpicking for a fight SO FREAKEN OLD
Well as of Nov 1 all of the papers have been signed with both BM's. BM number one however has been a disaster to deal with.
CS went down but the Child Support Division is dragging their feet. So DH is still giving her 1,000 a month. She emails daily on the costs of this and the costs of that. And how we aren't contributing to shit.... UM excuse me? We told her when she makes choices to go out and get what ever she wants and thinks she may want our help she should let us know before she buys it so we can tell her if we can do it or not. She replied with i will buy my babies what ever they want or need and I don't need to consult you for everything... SD17 is graduating this year. I guess we are POS's because we haven't contributed to shit for that either... um we talked to SD about her pictures offered to help but then were never even told if she had them. She had them taken and of course we can't have any. Can't even buy any because we didn't have to share in the cost of the pictures. UM seriously? BM keeps sending emails about how she is providing everything for her babies. How she is a mother and a student. And how she does it all.... well um you moved 6 hours away OF COURSE you have to do it all. HELLO! How can we be there to help when you are 6 hours away! I am so sick of her constantly telling us she is providing for everything and we are just ignoring his responsibilities.
Number 1... SHE HAS NO JOB! She chose to go to school and NOT work. And now her babies are suffering financially because she refuses to work.. YET she is doing the school thing so her kids will have a better life? Um excuse me SD will be gone this year. SS will be gone in 3 and the other SS will be on his way out the door by the time she graduates. HOW IS THIS FOR THE KIDS?????? HOW SELFISH OF HER. What about her kids right now? Oh that's right it's DH job to provide right down the the bone for skids so she can live off of the state. Lie to the schools and collect grant after grant because she doesn't admit that she lives with BF who makes enough money to support everyone.
NUMBER 2..... Where does she get off on stating she provides? She has no job that gives her a paycheck that provides for the needs of her kids RIGHT NOW! How is she justifying that she is the one providing WHEN WE ARE THE ONES WITH JOBS????
SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME TO UNDERSTAND PEOPLE LIKE HER!I am drained of her emails. I am drained of her degrading me and us in every single email. We have to sift through the BULLSHIT to find the one question we actually do need to address. UGH..... I am tired.
I have also decided that I will NOT buy SD17 and xmas present. I bought all the other skids. I will not buy hers. After all she has said and done to me and my daughter I am done.
Stop reading her
Stop reading her emails.
Block her email address and tell SO you aren't interested in hearing about that crap.
Self preservation. It goes a long way.
Ignoring her is the ONLY way
Ignoring her is the ONLY way to make her stop.
The taxpayers and your DH take care of her "babies". You know she sends this to piss you off. Don't let her. Everything you said is on point. You ARE right about each thing you mentioned. Just know you are right, and don't give her the satisfaction of a response. It will just keep happening. You won't be able to make her realize she's an idiot, so don't waste your time.
You will find so much peace
You will find so much peace in your situation once you stop trying to understand her. Not everyone thinks or behaves in a reasonable fashion. You can't make sense out of something that has nothing behind it.
I struggled with this for the LONGEST time with our BM...always trying to understand & see things from her POV. I finally realized that BM does not make logical or normal choices. Her drive is not to be happy or to help her kids be happy. Her drive is to do whatever she needs to do to make DH unhappy. She's a bitter unhappy bitch on a mission to make sure DH doesn't get a let up on her. She says what she needs to say to convince herself that she's a decent mother.
Her words mean nothing. They are just words. ANYone can say them. The only way they have any power is when we give it to them. The claims she makes as far as being supermom or DH being a deadbeat...they hold as much weight as a claim that pigs are purple.
Don't sift through her shit. Let her know if she has a question she's welcome to ask a question. If the answer is none of her business, tell her it's none of her business. If she throws in extra crap, ignore the whole thing.
She's out for power. Don't give it to her. It takes 2 to play a game. If you don't participate the game comes to an end.
my signature line is my
my signature line is my answer