BM never has to work a day in her life
Does it bother anyone else that the BM gets to sit at home on her arse while DH is working his butt off 10 hours a day, 6 days a week?
She was getting $3,000.00 a month for alimony & then another $1,100.00 a month for child support. Thank god she got re-married. The new hubby works and she can continue to be lazy (maybe that's why she's accumulated an additional 50 pounds in the last 6 months).
She has requested an additional lump sum of $6,000.00 to be paid by June 1st (her ransom for DH to have the skids one extra day every other weekend), & the child support payments to be increased to $1,500.00 per month. My DH has always paid her child support and yet she acts as though he's a dead beat piece of sh*t. Drives me insane. She's always wanting more money. IT'S NEVER ENOUGH FOR HER. She's never satisfied.
I'm lucky to be finishing my bachelors degree, & receiving pell grants & scholarships as an additional source of income for our family. I can't work because it would cost more to hire a babysitter or to place my daughter in daycare while I'm working. It would also cost us more money than I could make if I were to work part-time and husband was to stay at home with my daughter. I attend college classes while my daughter is in school & husband is at work, or else I would get a job during that free time.
I wish I could work to help my DH out with the finances, but I realistically cannot do it. It just makes me fuming angry that she is sitting on her fat butt while her children are in school, and wasting her time watching tv when she could be working. Her new husband is working his butt off to pay for the 4 stepkids he acquired when he married her, my DH is working his butt off to pay for the 4 children he created when he married angry. She will never have to work a single day in her entire life. Ever. Because she had 4 kids and gets a paycheck that way. :sick:
Was she a SAHM while they
Was she a SAHM while they were married? There's nothing wrong with her (or any woman for that matter) being a SAHM if they can afford it. I'm sure not working allows her plenty of time to be involved in the kids school and after school activities which is great.
Usually after a divorce, SAHM
Usually after a divorce, SAHM SHOULD be a long gone option. Most women file for divorce and so if they were a SAHM while married, they have absolutely NO right to think they can divorce the cash cow/breadwinner and remain a SAHM after the divorce. PERIOD!
Yes, she was a SAHM while
Yes, she was a SAHM while they were married, but the problem lies in the fact that she can't afford to stay at home. She has been hounding my DH for extra money from the second I've come around. She's not involved with the children while they're in school and not involved with any after school activities. In fact, she won't let them be involved with any after-school activities because she claims there is no extra money. My husband has to take time off of work to go to the skids school to check in on SS11's homework and talk to the teacher probably once a week because she won't get off her butt to go do it herself. She lives 3 minutes from the school, while my husband lives a good 25 minutes from the school. He is missing around 15 homework assignments, and is always in in-school-suspension.
I don't have a problem with SAHM in general, when they are humble and grateful for what they have. She is a manipulative conniving b*tch, who isn't thankful for one dime. My DH was 2 days late on the EXTRA $400.00 two months ago, and she threw a HUGE stink about going to a lawyer and taking him back to court. Over 2 days. This is money she shouldn't be receiving in the first place. This is just extra money that she requested so my DH could have the kids through Monday and take them to school on Tuesday every other weekend.
This has been driving me crazy for a while now, and maybe it's a good thing I posted about this--the response you've posted wasn't what I expected, but it helped me look at the situation from another perspective.
He does bring in a decent
He does bring in a decent salary, but at the same time, the higher the pay the higher the bills. Our bills are pretty ridiculous. She's actually never had a job, and I'm sure until my DH stops paying the child support, she won't get one until then. I think moreso my issue is with the fact that she KEEPS asking for more money, even though they eat out constantly, probably 4 or 5 times a week.
I know for a fact that this can get expensive, we have the kids only on the weekends, and if we eat out once, it's financially draining. I mean, 2 adults and 5 children! Yikes. I think this is where the majority of the cash is going unfortunately. He pays her a large sum, but you're most definitely right, they're new thing lately is: if mom won't buy it, dad will.
Take for example, clothing. Their mom won't buy them skinny jeans, just regular jeans, so they come over here & DH goes out and buys them. Of course. One of my SS has 2 ipods (one Nano & one Touch). Two. Ridiculous. Every single child has an ipod. There is every game system known to man in our house (PS3, PS, Wii, Xbox, Xbox360, 4 computers, iPad). It's really frustrating when all the kids will do is come over & watch netflix (we don't have cable or satellite because I get distracted from my homework)or play their electronics the ENTIRE duration of their stay. My DH practically has to force them outside to take bike rides or hikes with him....anyway....way off topic, sorry!
The SS11 has decided that because he is so far behind in his homework, and his teacher is pressuring him to submit his late assignments. He wrote an e-mail to BM telling her that since they haven't come up with a solution to the problem, that he thinks the ONLY answer is that she can pay him for his compliance with completing the past due and future homework assignments. His actual words were I don't like bringing this up to you mom, because I know you don't want to go for it, but I think dad could. He could just pay me and my teacher could give me classroom cash. She forwarded us the email so we could pay her, and then she could give it to him.
Your husband shouldn't give
Your husband shouldn't give her "extra money" He should give her what the courts say and make sure to pay it through the court. Once the kids are there for that extra time for a long enough period go back to court and show that this has become the standered and get it put into the order that those are his days, then if she doesn't send them hold her in contempt. It is no ones fault but your dh's that you are giving extra money, she can't go to court over money you don't have to pay according to court order, so don't give her any. The kids don't need skinny jeans, don't buy them. Child support is for there care and support so she needs to pay classroom fees, that is not your responsibility. I am a stay at home mom and I work really hard at home to be one, we don't have a lot of money and pay child support every month but I make it work by budgeting and give my child the very best care I can give. Not all stay at home moms are bad, but women like that give us all a bad name. No more money unless it is court ordered is what I would say.
Being a SAHM is one thing.
Being a SAHM is one thing. Making that choice but then complaining about "being poor" is a whole 'nuther thing.
My DH's ex is a SAHM, as she finds it too stressful to work. SK's are mid-teens so it's not like they need 24/7 supervision (well, she thinks they do -- she doesn't allow them to be home alone EVER). If she wants to stay home, that's her choice. What I don't like is the fact that everyone else is expected to pay for that choice and listen to her complain.
I in no way, shape, or form knock SAHM's. For 20+ years I schlepped to work every day and now have the wonderful opportunity to work from home so I think I have the best of both worlds. I can't honestly say that I'd quit my job if I had substantial means to support my kids and my household because I really do enjoy what I do. However, as I've told my DH on hundreds -- ney, THOUSANDS -- of occasions, I'm not working my a$$ off so she doesn't have to. She's not going to have a free-for-all with his income while I work to support our household. I've also stated many times before that it takes 2 people to bring a child into the world, it should take 2 to support said child, both emotionally and financially.
And I know money isn't everything. However, it ranks right up there with oxygen. You need it to live.
I'm only just NOW getting
I'm only just NOW getting that point across to my DH. She watches us with hawk-eyes and with the 4 eyes (sk's) that are here every weekend. Unfortunately, she is the type of person who is always green with envy/jealousy and believes that "getting even" with those who have more than she does is the only way. So if there is something new in the house, that is the time she really starts making noises about needing money. She has no concept of the fact that we are running this household on 2 incomes, she only views is as money that should have rightfully been for her and the SK's regardless of where/who it came from.
I too feel that sense of pride that I will support my children to the best of my ability, on my own if I have to. I've never been in the situation of having to go thru the whole child support thing (thankfully!!) but I see it from the outside looking in with my DH. And it's ugly.
"the system keeps allowing
"the system keeps allowing it" and "entitled" cought my eye. It is soooooooo wrong what the system is doing by favoring women to that extend point and sooooooo messed up that these women like you said feel "entitled" for everything. Every time I think about this subject I get this sick feeling in my stomach
Knowing the cunt sits at home while my husband works his butt off and partial, very high amount from his check goes in her pocket for what? For her expenses, vocations, dinners etc. BM in our case was never married to DH thank God but she feels sooo entitled and makes it seem like she was married to him!! What a heck??? Just cuz she trapped him with a kid it doesnt mean anything!! But on our wedding she dare's to call him and talk like they were married for 20 years saying "Im gonna come pick up our daughter up because her daddy is getting married and it's a big deal for her". Talking like SD is sooo hurt to have a step mommy. She is not a teen, her parents were never married so its not like this is his second marriage and she is little! She is used to me, she luvs me but BM made it seem like its such a huge deal that were getting married and that SD needs time to adjust to the situation.
I believe in Karma, and women like that will get theirs in the butt soon or later.
Don't get me wrong, I fully
Don't get me wrong, I fully expect my husband to pay child support regularly, but the kids come over with their shoes falling apart and we find out they go out to dinner almost every night. 5 kids is a HUGE expense (the 4 skids and BM's new DH has a BD of his own). My DH has to buy them shoes. She won't take those expenses off the child support. I tell my DH to not buy them. That's why she sends them over with the worn out shoes, so he WILL go buy them.
Problem with my DH is that he has the guilty father thing going on inside his brain--his kids have been effed over because of the divorce so he feels that he has to make up for it by buying them things. Shoes, ipods, game systems, skinny jeans, etc. etc. etc. Really starts to take a toll on OUR finances. Especially after finally buying a house the beginning of this month, paying lawyer fees, etc.
The reason why he's paying the "ransom" is because she wanted to take him to court for almost $10,000 in alimony she claims he owes. Mind you, he's been paying her religiously $1,100.00 a month the past 4 years, and the additional $3,000.00 a month in alimony before she got re-married. Her $10,000 doesn't include all the utilities, internet, rent, vehicle payments (which totaled over $6,000.00) that he paid for her for over a year after they divorced. None of that was ever calculated. She just sat on her butt while he paid for EVERYTHING because she didn't have a job and he wanted his kids to have the same stuff they had when they were still together. My husband is a giver.
Its like Im reading our
Its like Im reading our situation!!! BM trapped my hubby with a kid, they were not even married but that was her plan to get knocked up and make him marry her and just stay home because all she saw in him was bank. He broke up with her and at that time she worked for a few years. Now that she sees Im a stay home mommy she wants the same. I dont work because If I would work Id be making the same amount as we would be paying for daycare. BM is always competeing with us, she found some guy, married him and now she doesnt work, sits on her FAT ASS all day while shes getting CS and her dog is working his butt off. She can easily get a part time jov while SD is at school.
We were able to reduce her CS a little so thats the positive side of the story. But even that CS is reduced, I still think anything over $300 for a kid is a lot of money! It makes me so angry
glad he didn't marry her because he would of had to pay alimony too!
For some women its a business to get knocked up and live off CS and in some cases alimony too.
And I think your husband shouldn't be paying her ANY EXTRA money.
I don't think he needs to pay
I don't think he needs to pay her any extra either, but she falsely reported to the ORS (office of recovery services because she cannot be civil when they deal with each other in person, AND because she has a history of not keeping track of the money that IS ACTUALLY paid to her via child support & alimony, see starting post) that my DH owes her over $10,000.00. We have emails that we saved showing where she says specifically that: yes, DH paid BM more than I reported to the ORS, but I don't have those exact numbers to show them, and unless DH has proof of those numbers, I will not lower the amount I reported to them....conniving manipulative psycho. She lowered it to $7,100.00 to be exact (through the mediation) and it's broken down into $1,500/month instead of $1,100/month for 4 months and a lump sum of $5,500.00 to be paid by June. So freakin silly. We have to abide by this to get it handled asap because he cannot receive his passport until then. We had a free 5 day/4 night vacation paid for by his work in Mexico last summer but could not go because of her tactics that she was pulling with the ORS.
It's already cost us over $2,000 in lawyer fees and an additional $400 in mediation fees to get this handled accordingly. So....after it's all worked out, He really only saved $500 bucks, BUT the good thing about it is that the $2,400 of it is paid to lawyer instead of BM. Crazy b*tch. GRRRRR
I cannot wait until we take out title loans and any other kind of loan to pay her ransom and it'll be over for a couple months at least. That way we can finish paying our home renovations and more of our down payment for our home loan, and can pay my father back some of the $ he loaned us for home remodeling.
One time DH overpayed BM and
One time DH overpayed BM and he saves all his checkbooks and had evidence and got his money back. Doesnt your hubby save all that when paying CS and alimony? Thats how he can proove that he overpayed
Im sowwy for what youre going thru. I understand how frustrating this whole thing is
It seems like BM wants to drain your hubbys accounts. What a nasty person.
This was like 5 years ago
This was like 5 years ago that he paid all this extra crap & before, he would just give her hundreds at a time, pay in cash payments, or transfer money from his wells fargo account to her wells fargo account. If she needed something paid, he would go pay it. If she needed toys for xmas, he would go buy them & give her extra cash to get her family presents & stuff, since she didn't have a job.
Im sorry but that was not a
Im sorry but that was not a very smart move of your DH. :O She scored with him and it looks like she took advantage of him and he is to be blamed for because he let her.
My hubby also overpayed BM like 6 years ago but he keeps everything because you never know when it will be the next court appearance and having all the facts is the best thing. Also if he did transfers to her account he can go to the bank and request his statements and find the money he was sending to her.