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BM overcompensating and claiming poor

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So BM is always claiming shes "so poor" even though she owns 3 houses, etc, blah, blah. She is claiming she will go bankrupt if we take her to court on contempt because she is taking child tax deductions shes not supposed to (see my topic "IRS form Nightmare"). We are going ahead with the contempt because she refuses to amend her tax returns.

Meanwhile.....she drops a BOATLOAD on SSs for Christmas. Now, we have always know her claims of "poor" are b.s. but this really takes the cake! A "pocket rocket" motorcycle thingie for SS10 and a Fender telecaster guitar for SS16 (who doesnt even have a car yet, BTW, she claims to have "no money" to get him even a clunker). These are mucho expensive gifts. Good to know she can drop money like that though because man is she going to be surprised at how much she owes for taking child deductions the last 2 years. Not to mention attorneys fees and court costs for blatantly being in contempt. SO badly want to send an email along those lines but have to be civil leading up to court. Will update everyone.

On a related note, feeling bad for myself since psycho BM keeps messing with the IRS deductions, they keep holding up DH and I's tax refunds. So not fair. I have bills to pay, have to struggle to keep afloat and have to wait for my refunds all because a psycho decides out of the blue after 5 years "gee, I think I'll just take these deductions, no reason, just want to!" I depend on tax refunds. I withhold the maximum amount from a job that doesnt pay a ton. Stupid psycho, there is a special place in hell for someone who is nearing 50, nearing a DECADE divorced and STILL is not in a relationship. Hmmmmmm.....wonder why?