BM is rabid...answers needed!
My DH has a disability and can't drive. So, my questions is, can a Texas court legally make a stepmom pick up and drop off the kid?
BM is rabid and in my face and I want to know my legal rights. I already told the attorney I WAS NOT going to do it, but want to be sure that I can't be held in contempt. If the judge rules he has to drop off/pick up, I understand that I'll be obligated, but can they directly order me to do so?
Sorry, should've posted this
Sorry, should've posted this in the Court section...
Since you have no standing as
Since you have no standing as to relationship to the skids, I don't think they can. Bm is an idiot.
Thanks--I didn't think so,
Thanks--I didn't think so, and can't find anything to back it up, but the way she spews her crap when she's trying to get her way...Ugh!
The court can order DH to
The court can order DH to take care of Transportation however he sees fit to do so - walk, cab, train, ride, etc. They cannot obligate you to do it.
Seeing as we live in a rural
Seeing as we live in a rural area with no public transportation, that isn't an option. Honestly, I didn't start out this way--angry, bitter, uncooperative--all toward that bitch, not DH. I was typical--helping where I could, babysitting, dropping off/picking up, getting involved in school progess--STUPID! I was run ragged and absolutely miserable like so many on this site and so many I've met. Several years of putting up with her nasty texts and emails, threats, orders to DH to MAKE me do something (now, that's where I dig in my heels!), being spied on in my own house by SD who goes back to BM with her weekly report, drug through court, arguments in the driveway...and on and on. I found this website and established my boundaries about a year ago. But it's not always easy protecting those boundaries, even when I have a DH who supports me. It feels like a game of chess sometimes, always trying to predict her next move so I'm ready for it.
It should be dad's
It should be dad's responsibility to figure out how the kids will get to him during his scheduled time. If that means paying a friend or family member to do the pick up for him, so be it.
No SM shouldn't get stuck with that task. Yes, many dad's get stuck doing all of that driving, but that is because they refuse to speak up.
What are the chances that a judge will force BM to do all of the driving? She can't withhold the kids. But as long as she makes sure they are available during the set times, she should be fine.
This sounds horrible, what a
This sounds horrible, what a shame. Hope your doing OK
Why are BMs so horrible?
I would say no, a judge
I would say no, a judge cannot order you to interface with BM nor pick up and drop off non related children. But... no one knows what a Judge will do, not even in Texas where in my experience they are far more rational than most other places.
What does your attorney say about being forced to transport the Step Spawn and interfacing with BM? If you PM me I will give you our attorneys information. He is in Williamson County Texas and is absolutely the most killer, shark, get it done attorney I have ever worked with.
Time to start recording every interface with BM.
If she completely loses it don't forget that rabid dogs are shot, try that with the rabid BM.
Just kidding about shooting her .. unless she assaults you ......then don't forget that you are in Texas where people who use deadly force in defending themselves are applauded. }:)
As long as you pull the body
As long as you pull the body back in the house.
Has Dad offered to cover her
Has Dad offered to cover her gas to do the driving?
If she takes Dh back to court
If she takes Dh back to court have him get in a neutral drop-off/pick-up exchange location. Police station would be good. People tend to behave themselves and watch their mouth and actions when a security camera is aimed at them. While court can not force you to transport they could say DH being disabled is not their problem. He could for example pay a friend or relative to do it. Pretty rotten that BM is being a witch over it. She does run the risk, under the circumstances, a court may decide she is not trying to be supportive in the children having a relationship with their father by not working on alternative transport. How much of a distance is the drive for exchange? If it's really a short drive and 10-15 minute thing she'll look very petty if her excuse if merely 'I don't want to and shouldn't have to'. Partly why you might want to consider doing it IF it can be done without putting up with BM (neutral place, no communication exchanges...she can email/text,call Dad if she has something that needs saying). No one wants to subject themselves to fights/confrontation with a raging batsh*t crazy BM.
Yes, suggestions may be given from the court such as the paid friend or gas money for BM to do the transport. Given the crap BM dishes out however I'd still request a neutral place...who wants this witch pulling up in their driveway. If it were me in your situation I wouldn't mind doing half the exchange (one way or the other) but I would not agree to BM's home nor her at mine. I wouldn't do it for BM, I'd do it so DH could see/have his kids for his time.