BM strikes again
So this past weekend was SD11's sports banquet.
She asked BM to come, and BM said she would.
The banquet comes and goes, and BM doesn't show (mind you the place is less than 5 min from her house).
SD won several awards at the banquet, each time she got called up, I could see her scanning the crowd.
When DH and I went to drop off SD at BMs Sunday night, SD asked her why she didn't come. BM basically said because she had been out (drinking) the night before and wasn't feeling up to it.
Yes... BM used those exact
Yes... BM used those exact words
Almost exact same happened
Almost exact same happened with us,... except the school is 45 minutes away, BM made a huge deal about RSVPing on OFW, and there was a meal catered in which she paid for her and her boyfried to go to!
But the evening after the ceremony when BM called, and SD asked why she wasn't there, and BM said, "I didn't feel like driving all the way down there just to sit and watch other kids get awards. You only got a participation certificate, right?" :jawdrop: Mother of the Year, Right here people!
Which was not true, SD got a couple awards and lettered in her sport,...but SD just said, "Yeah it's ok, you are going to pick us up tomorrow anyway." SD held a good face, but we could see it hurt her,... I kinda wish BM would have lied, said something other than what she did (what you do isn't important enough for me to drive down and see it be recognized).