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I'm sure there will be drama tomorrow night

EvilWickedSM's picture

There is a sports banquet at the school. SD15 plays softball and lettered this year so, of course, she will be going. I will not be going but haven’t told DH yet. I scheduled a hair appointment for myself and DD a long time before I knew about this banquet. I legitimately did forget when the appointment was until last week when I called the salon to double check. Well, I haven’t mentioned to DH that I will not be going to the banquet, and I haven’t brought up my appointment either in case he put two and two together before it was too late for me to cancel…lol. I wouldn’t be going anyway, but then at least now I can use the excuse that it is too late to cancel our appointments. I feel childish doing that, but I really don’t want to go. If I went it would just be for him, not for SD, but SD would think I was there for her. I have been biting my tongue but I think it’s ridiculous to go to a sports banquet to honor a kid who can’t seem to score decent grades. I think our school’s policy regarding sports and grades needs to be reevaluated. I don’t understand why DH and BM don’t put more emphasis on grades instead of the “all important” softball, and it pisses me off. SD has made it clear that she doesn’t want to play softball in college because she “wants to have a life” (this phrase has BM written all over it). Well, I hate to inform them, but if she doesn’t get her grades up and keep them up, anything aside from a community college won’t be an option. The kid got an atrocious report card (no F’s surprisingly) and not a word was said about it. As a matter of fact DH bought her a new bat just a couple of weeks ago….after he got her report card! This is why I’m glad we have separate finances…lol.