BMs dad WILL be the death of me
Going to the ship started the death of me. DH got mad because I didn't want a picture with SS on the ship and I didn't seem into it.
SS also stated BM will forever be in my house as DH got him a gift on the boat to put in his room. I asked him if he thought it was cool trying to not let it bother me when SS said it was because from now on he has his mom in our house. Luckily I don't go in there so I can try to ignore...
Now BM is demanding the pics of SS on the ship, I took most as they are SS and DH so that SS can one day look back on it trying to be nice. DH says he has one and BM should have it so whatever.
Well now it's FATHERS day and SS said he wanted to go see the grave and BM said she couldn't handle going out there - get dad has been dead at least 15 years DH never even met him. So DH told me he gets I won't go but he is taking SS...I got silent and said okay.
He asked what was up I repeated the we are taking her slack about hurt family. His response was its not a big deal I shouldn't be bothered and I needed to be clear we will take a bunch more slack for her.
Mind you during this past week I also got told that SS will have to decide he is ready before we can try to have a kid which isn't easy as I have a history of miscarriages.
I have never seen DH act like this and I feel like BM is creeping into my marriage. I hate it and one second DH will understand the next he won't. I feel drained but don't want to bring it up to much as we only have 2 days either SS.
I think you need to get over
I think you need to get over things concerning the boat and visting grandpa's grave. I am concerned about ss having power to decide when he is ready for a baby. Children are jealous of siblings and if I asked my oldest if he were ready he would have said no as he loved being the center or attention. We didn't ask him. Adults shouldn't ask children such things.
Why you should EVER need
Why you should EVER need permission from BM or skid to do anything is beyond me.
that was my first question is
that was my first question is why is DH deferring to an ex and a child in this matter
if it was up to my SD I wouldn't have had my LO and be pregnant again.
I'm high risk and was told I couldn't have kids, but have my miracle & my surprise is on the way (sorta planned but didn't think it would happen this soon)
I admit you need to get over
I admit you need to get over the Grandad stuff, you are being really petty and selfish. It's his Grandad for cripes sake. This isn't a war you will win and you just look outrageously jealous. Pretend it is DH's father and see if you would tolerate anyone acting the same way.
But your DH asking of a child if you "can have" a baby? That's some bullshit right there. You need to smack that man upside the head.