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BM's hate this site ;)

freedomSM's picture

I know they troll here. 161 guests online.

I just hope some of them are good biomoms and not the evil crazy ones that PAS their kids against the SM and the biodad...doubt it though.

freedomSM's picture


hippiegirl's picture

If my DH finds this site, the fight will be on! I don't say things to his face (about his kid) that I say to you guys on here. I care about his feelings too much.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

I don't care if BMs lurk here. I am a BM and I don't hate this site.

I did find this site under some strange circumstances though.

justanothergurlNJ's picture

I can Tell you this if my BM found this sight she would hate it lol. The best part is if she figured out which one of these SMoms is me there isn't a thing she can do because she has no program it is me. Love to see her thru thou.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

I know what my husband's ex would say: "I am a NCP mom because my ex stole my kids from me. Not because of the meth I smoked or the coke up my nose. It is all his fault they hate me. Not because I was an absentee Mom, and lied to my kids constantly and went without seeing them for 7 years. That is all his fault. His new wife brainwashed my kids. How dare she pick up my slack and raise well rounded educated children when I could not?"

Carah's picture

Holy crap are all bm's the same hahAhaha this sounds like the bm to a tee unbelievable if they would get their crap together and step up so sm's didn't have to maybe there would be no need for this site hahahaha

herewegoagain's picture

DH used to get pissed when I came on this site...eventually I let him know I would NOT stop, I could care less if he read my blogs. I also told him that he's lucky this site is around, because otherwise, I would have nobody to vent to EXCEPT him...He has a few times said "you shouldn't be there anymore, I think it stresses you out..." But I always go back to "you don't tell me who I can talk to...and if this is what I need to make it through this nightmare that my life has been thanks to you, your crazy family, your kid and crazy witch, then so be it. I wouldn't have to be here if it weren't for the baggage you have." That usually shuts him right up.