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When BM is mad at you does she take it out on her ex-husband (your DH?)

freedomSM's picture

What right do these bad mothers have with calling and yelling at their former husbands?

Mine doesn't care, he just ignores her or hangs up. He thinks she's the most disgusting thing. If he's in a room with her and she starts using her tone and the words 'inappropriate' and a plethora of other big words that make her feel important and less ugly....he tunes her out.

but if she's mad at me, she has NEVER confronted me, she calls and yells at my husband! I have confronted her and she's so weak she takes it out on others, or uses others to get to me. She has never said things to my face....


BSgoinon's picture

Opposite here, when she is mad at DH she takes it out on me. And when she is mad at ME, she takes it out on ME. Every single time. If DH calls her out on something, she yells and screams at me and starts massive drama about me. I think its because in her delusional mind DH is still in love with her. So it couldn't POSSIBLY be HIM yelling at her, I must have put him up to it...

StickAFork's picture

The BM in my case bitches to MY IL's about me. She never calls DH to speak with him. Fine by me!

SMof2Girls's picture

Bm sent me nasty emails/texts in the very beginning of our relationship. It stopped fairly shortly afterwards. I refused to respond and acknowledge her until one day she texted me something along the lines of:

"I know you're just a simple whore and MY kids WILL KNOW that their daddy left us for a slut".

I responded (first time EVER) with: "All of your texts are being saved, documented, and forwarded to DH's attorney. This is the only time I will ask you to stop contacting me. All of your communications should be directed to DH"

She immediately texted DH blowing up saying that I threatened to take her kids away and yadda yadda yadda .. she didn't contact me directly again for almost a year; at which point she was begging me to support her decisions and respect her as a mother. My response? "I can't possibly respect a woman who makes decisions purely in her own self-interest, despite the clear and evident damage it does to her children. I do not refer to women like that as "mothers"."

I have since emailed her several times sending updates and pictures while the skids are in our care. DH was cc'd on every single one of them, and I do not reply to her responses at all, EVER.

SMof2Girls's picture

LOL .. the only emails she gets from me are very factual, light, and to the point. I don't embellish anything or add any personal flair. She can forward them to anyone she wants, but I doubt she would. It would totally contradict all the bullshit she has fed all her family and friends about me.

I ONLY did that because DH tends to lack on providing those updates, despite the fact that he always WANTS them from her. I did it to help him out, in hopes that while the skids are in TX with her for 122 days, that she'll provide similar weekly updates as well (high hopes, I know).

But she can't say we didn't try.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

BM2 used to try. Now she isn't allowed to contact me, even to talk to SD10. She has to call when DH is here. She doesn't have our home number, only DH's cell. He never answers it. Lets it go to voicemail and calls her only of absolutely necessary. Usually he emails her regarding her call. He ignores anything that isn't pertinent to SD.