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Boyfriend's daughter is most likley coming to live with us!

not yet a step mom's picture


her and the mom had another week long argument. Now not only is the kid thinking this might definitely happen, the mom is acting like it too. (info: SFD is 10 yrs. old, lives in Indiana currently with mom, step dad and baby sister. My self and her father live in San francisco, are thinking of getting married in the future.)

We all agreed that FSD should not move in with us b/c she is mad at her mom or b/c she thinks that she will be able to do whatever she wants at our home. (which i am very scared of). She has been having behavioral problems this year and is in therapy. She has been making up lies left and right (to her mom and even to friends at school, assuming to get attention). She won't play any sports or after school activities. Basically she in craving attention and thinks maybe she will get more at our house. But that really freaks me out, b/c i am NOT going to spoil her and let her get away with this crap. And her dad says he won't either, though i am skeptical how that plays out.
Also, to get her into shcools in SF is really hard, esp a decen shcool that is not in the ghetto. So we are applying to a bunch fo private schools and public.
but honestly... if she comes to live out here, that means that i definitely can NOT get pregnant till we move to another place. (we only have a two bedroom). And although she has a bedroom now and does not live with us full time, having her here all the time if we had a new baby would just be too squished for 4 people. I feel so selfish saying that. but.. this is some what of a surprise... we thought maybe she would move out here when she was a teenager and we had a house or something...