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Can summer be over already??

ArmyofBoys1416's picture

I'm so ready for school to start and for this disrespectful, manipulative little liar to go back to his Mama. I've busted my ass to be kind and attentive this summer, and all Ive gotten is crap (some of it is literal crap). I asked SS10 to please get a shower yesterday, and was ignored until I turned the wifi off. He goes to shower, and while Im cleaning up my bedroom where he had been roosting, I found a huge rat hole of trash, wrappers and packages. He gets out of the shower, first thing I notice is the towel still folded up and dry. Second thing I notice is feces (the literal crap) on the floor, toilet seat and shower floor. WTF. Because this child and I have had issues in the past, I left it for his dad to handle, but Im sure as usual, not a damn thing was said to him. He never says Thank you, and always has someone else to blame when he gets in trouble. He bitches at and bosses my boys (2 and 3) constantly.  He hides their toys and aggravates them until they cry, but when I say something, he says he's "just playing with them". He has told his mom that I was abusing him, and that I abuse my kids - all of which he later admitted to not being true. He tells people he's smarter than everyone at his school, even the teachers and calls me and my babies dumb and stupid. He once told me he wished I had died when I had complications after my pregnancy. I suspect some kind of mental issue or psychosis, but that may be because Im too close to it. Is this just typical bratty behavior or something else? He goes home Friday, and yall will probably hear me celebrating from my little hick Arkansas town!! 

SteppedOut's picture

I feel for you! I remember how horrible summer was with formerSS. Second summer I was living with him (and now had my babyBS), he was out of school for one week when I packed up and left for good! It was more than I could, or was willing to put up with for myself or baby! 

Your SS sounds...ugh, I don't know how you put up with it with your little ones.

ndc's picture

How often does this brat come to your home?  A child who craps all over my bathroom and is mean to my kids, but more importantly accuses me of abuse, is not a child I would willingly accept in my home.  What is your schedule, and where does your husband stand on this?

ArmyofBoys1416's picture

Its normally every other weekend and rotating holidays, but we've had him most of the summer. Im a SAHM so all the child care for him comes from me. My husband is a good man and a good husband and father.  This is truly our only issue, but it IS a big one. He has guilt still over the divorce, even though he didn't cause or want it (his ex cheated, got pregnant by the other man and left). In fact, his entire family act like this child is King Turd of Shit Hill, and does NO wrong. Its beyond frustrating because the kid they get is not the kid I get. They do get a loving, sweet, funny child. I get "You're stupid" and shit in my bathtub. Alot of it, I keep to myself because I honestly feel like they won't believe me. 

ndc's picture

Does your husband see the brattiness, or is it solely reserved for you?  I guess I don't see where he's a good father if he allows this to happen.  If he doesn't see it because it's just for you, then I would probably install a few well placed cameras so he can see what you're dealing with.  If dad and his family don't see what a demon he can be, they're not going to address it.  Not to mention that you NEED the cameras because of the false abuse allegations.  Dad seeing the atrocious behavior is a side benefit.  Once "abuse" starts being thrown around, whether it's retracted or not, I think it's fair to say no kid in the house without cameras rolling.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

being alone with a child who has accused you of abuse. If he does it again, and someone believes him, you could lose your children until an investigation is competed. You might consider putting up a few nanny cams to protect yourself.

tankh21's picture

Yeah my skids used to leave s*** all over the bathroom as well. We had guests staying with us one time and they said there was s*** all over the toilet and that someone has wiped it on the walls. Been there and had to deal with this nasty drama. I feel for you OP. Did you talk to your DH about this?