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Characterize people by their actions, and you'll never be fooled by their words.

Rags's picture

This is absolute truth IMHO.  I just read it in the comments of a click bait article.

Once may be random, twice may be a coincidence, three times is a choice.

It applies to us, a mate, the X, and even kids.  Particularly Kidults.

When I was a kid/teen, my parents would not infrequently tell me "Show us, dont tell us."

This basic phylosophy has been a hallmark of my professional career as well as raising a kid, and being in a long term marriage.

Mostly.... applied to myself.


JRI's picture

It never fails to tell me the truth - what people do.  That, plus my gut instinct, guide me.

LevinaFia23's picture

In every situation with any person it's always held true. Example bm loves her kids so much...for 2 yrs she's not gotten a copy of the CO and has missed all holidays!....and still blames dh for not getting her a copy although she lives 5mins from court...there's no excuse to miss holidays when u have the same access.

Too many instances of bm doing this. Playing the victim so hard you literally missed vital times with your kids. So do you care? Actions clearly say no jus would rather play victim. Too many examples for her but this is true for anyone.

If the actions don't back the talk might as well not say anything. I'm always watching the actions rather than words.