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child support

topcat's picture

if you have child 44% of the time and you already pay child support.... whats the chances of the ex getting more than she is getting now. we pay insurance and half of everything bought. does anyone have or been through this situation? the ex is trying to modify . does anyone know how you figure the amount to deduct for the time you have with child. i had read that most the time their isnt much child support requested when both parents have child about the same amount of time... any one know anything about this?

liks's picture

it sounds like it would benefit you if you return to court ..... I told my DH to pay CS and nothing else....and so now he does....however before he was paying half of their sport crap, and when eva the bitch would call to demand more he we are stuck with credit card bills he cant pay....and of course the BM demanded more money (dh was silly to give her an xtra 100 bucks a week-then I told him NO) she was advised by the mediator....she wont get anymore, and infact, it may be doubt we will be returning to court for such a thing...

I have been advised cs is for everything....means you pay nothing expenses on anything else unless court ordered.....wots does your CO say?

planningMyEscape's picture

What state are you in? For the state I'm in, you can find an accurate child support calculator online. This allows you to put in info like number of overnights, amount of money each parent makes, etc., and it will give you a weekly amount you should be paying. We will soon be having my 2 step kids 75% of the time, and we STILL have to give their mom child support, because she has no job. They can come up with a potential income, but since she has little work experience her potential income is low and so we still have to pay her even though they will be with us 5 days a week and her only 2 days. Sucks, but that is how it is. Just google your state plus the words "child support calculator" and you should be able to find something. Good luck.

Lauren1438's picture

Have records of everything and give them to your attorney. That means receipts and texts from her about money, everything. It will only help you.

topcat's picture

she went online to department of human resourse to modify. we got from the laywer that we didnt have to pay half for everything and wrote her a letter letting her know that we wasnt paying all the extras she is billing us and she got mad and applied. she was only paying half doctors bills. we pay insurance and cell phones and half of everything else he needed and tried to get the other half from her at times. she sent a 500 car bill for the 18 year old and 150 bill for cowboy boots for 18 year old and we refused to pay. no one even asked him about these bills and the daughter has nothing to do with us at all cause the ex. dh refused to pay the 18 year olds bad behavior so ex is now doing this to get more money for her. sad! i did look up the amount online but it dont put in account the insurance and half he pays for everythng and the 44 % of the time we have the one child. she sent a doctor bill and said dh didnt owe last week cause she works at dr office she got it free. i wanted to send her a note back saying that i cut the ss13 hair every 2 months for the last 4 years so thats free to

planningMyEscape's picture

Hmm. The one for our state takes into account the number of overnights and the cost of insurance. I agree that you pay the court-ordered amount, and never give BM one more penny on top of it, or she will try to take every dime from you that she can.

topcat's picture

he did for 4 years and he finally got the details to what he owes and he stopped and she is on out to get what she can.

planningMyEscape's picture

This isn't true here. The parent that makes more money has to pay the parent that makes less money, even if it is 50/50, so it must depend on what state you are in.

planningMyEscape's picture

Yep. We have my skids 5 nights a week (their mom has them the other 2), and we still have to pay CS because SO makes substantially more than BM...which sucks because we buy and pay for EVERYTHING for them.

topcat's picture

no child care..the ex leaves him alone every day she has him and i stay home with him and work at home. so i hope this turns out ok because she isnt out to get more money for the child that is under age and she shows no money spent on him in along time..we buy what he needs. she needs money for herslef and daughter.
thanks everyone

topcat's picture

the ex is high on this one..going and filing and hoping for more child support. we make more but we also pay more in a month some times than she is hoping to get...hope when we stop paying for hair cuts and cell phones and clothes and she gets what they say she gets..she realizes what we did. doubt it.... she is out to destroy us. she wont stop at that. she had her husband call the other day and tell my dh that IM NOT ALLOWED TO TEXT OR CALL the ss phone anymore. my husband went off on him and said tell her that we pay that phone and my wife can text or call it whenever i want and my wife is the one that picks him up and drops him off so she has to contact him. she wants me to get him at school and take care of him but she dont want him texting me? she sneaks and gets his phone when he was asleep and read a text from me to him about what time to get him and i texted him mainly saying that please let me know a time cause its been changed 3 times so i know when to get you and he said oh they are stupid. made her mad. hahahhahahah! we tried getting alone and dealing with her about kids but she got where she was telling on dh all the time to me about what he said and did and lied..we had to stop it.
anyways i guess we will just wait til the results come back from this child recovery system and deal with it. if its full blown child support and they dont take in that we have him as much as we do and all we pay..we will see her in court............

liks's picture

topcat.......stop paying their cell phones....we had that here and the brats were forever running the data up and downloading save 50 bucks a month and the witch can pay for their cells....well they live with the cow so damned if we are paying for them.....

I have heard that the Courts only care that you are paying wots CO....our lawyer said - DONT PAY ANYMORE THAN WOTS IN THE CO....

topcat's picture

FOUND out that this modify is going to be dragging out til maybe June of next year! OMG! I wanted it over as they said it would only be 30 days. I just want to run as i dont want to deal with this. im sure there could be worse but its like a sore that i keep picking...the BM dont stop and i wonder what she will do when this is over?. Was in counseling and told them some things she has done and they asked my DH ...does she want to be married to you again? HA! finally someone said what i felt. I dont understand why now he is moved on why she would want him back???? ever my mom says that she wants him back and she wont stop til she does....she throw him away..cheated over and over and after 2 years apart from him she filed divorce and final was 4 years ago and she heard my name and its been hell since. will the BM's ever move on?

topcat's picture

wow! what is it.. they dont want them...throw them out and now that you mention this whole they will be together one day..mine comes with a phone call i got from Bm saying that he is in love with me and will always be in love with me and i will always love him ..he is the love of my life!!!! WOW again... what the heck... it was hard to swallow but why do they believe and wait on the side lines for the DH to go back to them????? confusing. Im a divorced mother of 2 girls 17 and 15 and lord i dont think like that. i moved out and divorced him and moved on. dont get it! Bm even married another guy and i cant believe he dont see it.. she keeps her married name too... i didnt do that. lost for words here

topcat's picture

OMG..when Dh was goin along with divorce with BM..he was goin to go and try to get kids from her because she was labeled bipolar and one other name i dont know. i didnt know much of this til later in the relationship. i believe now that you should always check out the whole family before you run up in a marriage. OMG if i knew what i know now boy the tears i would of spared!! counselor also says this woman is crazy and that i have to stay away from her and says that unless EM DH dont need to talk to her. counselor said i let her control really hit me hard when she said that..... i feel she is always after me so how do i control her not controlling me?? I CANT!! she is goin to be the crazy one so im suppose to ignore and not give her the stage and she will some day some day go away... ITS SO HARD TOO..she attacks every week. i told DH in counselors office last week that if the ex on my side would take direct hits at him all the time and never give you a chance to would hate and be see things different but because my ex husband is cool to him..he has no clue. ALSO i did add that the DH feels different about BM than i do..i cant stand her but he had 2 kids with her and spent 21 years with her..he will always feel different no matter what she does..truth!!! i was with the ex husband 23 years but i left him and ive moved on so its so different on this side of it. his ex just wont stop!!! counselor also this should be a better reason to not let her win and work on this marriage. i use to say over my dead body and now ive had 5 years of hell and i dont know if im here so she isnt or do i really love him and want this? my back is against the wall all the time and we fuss about her and yes its gotten better over a 2 year period but hell i just want PEACE! its tooooo much to ask

topcat's picture

thanks so much jojobo! it helps knowing someone else has crazy people in their life. and his EX is trashing us as well on Fb and wherever she can. we have to ignore mom says she is only making herself look stupid. hope thats so true

topcat's picture

update on child support modify that the ex filed online. she ended up getting around 130.00 more. i think its funny knowing she thought she was getting 1600 a month. hahahhahhahhahahahhha.. she has nothing left to come at us about so she starts texting DH on her husbands phone to irriate. it just dont end and to top it..she had to bring my name in it...she cant just leave me alone. whats next.................

liks's picture

topcat....My BM is actually really crazy....she is taking us back to court now....lunitic....wish someone could lock her up and piss on her..

her child soldiers (DH spawns) are learning to become just as crazy as her....

they are never allowed around here again...

who cares what we pay .... just as long as we dont see them is all I care about these days....