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Childless Couples !!!!!!!!

SebringLad's picture

Time Magazine recently had a cover story on more and more couples remaining "childless by choice".They must have researched sites like this one and read the posts!!!!!!!!!!!

browsing2013's picture

funny. I wouldn't trade our kids for anything in the world but some alone time might really help my marriage.

simply_monica's picture

I ALWAYS wanted to be in a childless marriage. I can't wait until my husband's kids grow up and finally leave. I love them, but children were never part of my plan.

My friends and I discussed this issue and the one thing that always seemed to be was, "Women were suppose to be moms and being a mom is so fulfilling". This isn't everyone's goal. It certainly wasn't mine. I wanted to find someone with like ideals and enjoy each other without being bound to another human being or being responsible to someone else. I definitely will never be a stay-at-home mom, I'd rather fall off a cliff. In my opinion, I don't feel like I'm required to give up my life for anyone else. My sister in law is a stay at home mom, and I honestly pity her. I am certain not all mom are like her, but she seems so broken and weak. I find it humiliating having to ask someone else for money or having to explain certain expenses.

Don't get me wrong, I love my step sons, but I do not plan on having any of my own ANYTIME soon. We have the boys the majority of the time. Sometimes I look back to three years ago to when it was just my cat, dog, and myself and miss it dearly. Life was easier, but I knew I was lacking, I love my husband to no end.

oldone's picture

I was not childless by choice but by circumstances evolving from other choices that I made.

But maybe because I was in a major career with many other women who did choose to remain childless I never felt outside pressure to have children. I think I wanted them just because I was supposed to want them.

But now in my 60s I think I am happy that I did not have children. I've seen so many friends have their lives destroyed by problem kids.

More power to those of you that are raising good young citizens of the future.

SMof2Girls's picture

I know quite a few women/couples who've decided they don't want any kids. They're smart, successful, globe-trotter types who love to travel and don't want anything tying them down.

And I know several women from high school who have 4+ kids they can barely feed, sitting on welfare, sucking up government resources and making no efforts to work or better their (or their children's) lives.

Just makes you wonder what direction our society is headed as women's rights and choices are empowered even further. I absolutely support that, btw; I'm not implying women SHOULD have children, but as the smart successful types choose not to, who does that leave?

christinen's picture

I wish DH and I were a childless couple! I don't have kids of my own, and never really wanted them. Then along came DH and his little stepshit daughter. They have given me more anxiety, anger, resentment and stress over the last 4 years than everyone else in my whole life combined. Despite that, I do want to have my own child with DH. Just wish the SD wasn't around. If it weren't for her, I would probably wait a while longer and enjoy more alone time with DH. But we don't get alone time anyway because of her, so what's the point.

LadyG's picture

My SS is in prison and, sad but true, I am glad he's out of our minds and time. The schmuck wanted us (meaning me, his father and his grandmother) to open up an account for him to call us on and we put money in the account for him to call us from prison. Uh....does he think we're that stupid?

Boy, did he get reemed by his grandmother (DH's mother)!! Apparently, she's slowly learning that her grandson is a lost cause...

You apparently can teach age-experienced people new tricks...

No one is going to visit him for a long long long time. Finally, they are seeing him as he truly is....