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completely OT - You want a rant? I'll give you a rant

stepmom008's picture

I had a bit of an "incident" with Verizon Wireless and I officially hate them. I would go without a cell phone if they were the last cell company in the world. Long story short, my phone was a hunk of shit, dropping calls constantly, me going in there and calling constantly, and them tell me there was nothing they could do. After trying to contact them to dispute it then recieving collection notices, I finally snapped. Glad I snapped on them & not BF or SD Smile Here's my letter - you might find it entertaining:

Verizon Wireless
PO Box 15062
Albany, NY 12212-5062

I have REPEATEDLY attempted to contact you people by mail and have received NO RESPONSE about my dispute. I understand that you think that if you ignore me and send me to collections, that it will scare me into paying. IT WON’T. I have a RIGHT to dispute charges and you have an OBLIGATION to deal with it. I have sent several copies of the initial dispute letter to you and the only contact I’ve had is from a collection agency. If they can tell me that I’m ignoring them and they’re demanding payment, then I’M TELLING YOU that you’re ignoring me and I DEMAND to be contacted to get this resolved.

ONCE AGAIN, I am enclosing copies of the original dispute letter FROM OCTOBER as well as the letter that was ignored by both you AND the collection agency.

I have done all that I can do to resolve this amicably, it’s up to you to respond now. Crappy customer service and crappy technical support and a non-working phone gave me no choice but to switch to a RELIABLE carrier. Had someone been able to come up with a solution so that I was actually USING service that I was paying for, I would never have left Verizon. I WAS GIVEN NO CHOICE. You can’t actually expect people to pay you over $60 a month for service that DOESN’T WORK. Check your notes, you know that my phone was not working properly, you know that I called and visited stores repeatedly. You know that your technicians consistently told me there was nothing that could be done. Oh, that’s right. I could have bought yet another phone. WHY WOULD I??? What, I’m supposed to bow down to the Verizon gods and say thank you for the opportunity? Until I am contacted by someone that can work with me to resolve this, you get NOTHING.


GiGi222's picture

Have you tried contacting the Better Business Bureau? I had an issue with Verizon DSL a few years ago and noone would help me either. The moment I called the Bureau and the complaint reached Verizon FROM THEM they were more than happy to help. Just a tip Smile

stepmom008's picture

great idea - thanks!

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

ohnoyoudidnt's picture

Love it... I HATE Verizon. Had them for my home service. When I cancelled they said I owed them money but they also owed me money. WELL, they would not just credit the money they owed me and call it even. They wanted me to pay them then they would send me a check for what they owed me.

Never a failure...Always a lesson

JustAnotherSM's picture

Yes, contact the Better Business Bureau and your state's Attorney General. Provide them copies of the exact same documentation that you sent to Verizon. And let Verizon know that you sent the info to BBB - you will get a much quicker response. I had an issue with Nextel years ago and everything was magically resolved and charges were dropped after BBB got involved.

onehappygirl's picture

You should have added at the bottom:


Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

stepmom008's picture

HAHAHAHA! Dammit - wish I had thought of that!

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

stepmom008's picture

That's pretty much my story too. I had T-Mobile for years and when I moved here there was no reception at the house so they let me out of my contract. Once everything hit the fan with verizon I went back to t-mobile b/c the coverage got much better. They're cheap, easy to deal with and I was so excited to be able to go back to them.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".