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"Daddy!" Vent

NewBeginning's picture

19yo SD has not contacted her father in over a week due to her fiance beating her up. My DH was furious with the guy and pretty much threatened to knock his head in. So my SD has given my DH the cold shoulder and their last phone call ended up with her hanging up on him. She protects the abuser to no end.

So he's getting ready for work today and had to be in by 3 pm. The Academy award winning drama queen calls at 1:59 stating she was coming down to see him. Being that she had not called him in over a week and ignored him she didn't know his schedule but just took it on herself to begin an hour and a half jaunt down to see her daddy on Father's Day...when he told her that he was leaving for an 8 hour shift and wouldn't be here and that her brother was also gone, her whining began. I could hear it across the room due to his speaker being up. How she was hot and pregnant and was on her way down here and he was leaving..why was he going to work??

Uh...because we work around here, sister. We don't live off the government like she does collecting all she can due to bringing a helpless child in this world.

Maybe if she had been in contact with her father more she would know what he was doing today. Maybe if she had not cut off talking to him over an abusive fiance she would know that he works most weekends.

Of course, my DH acted like it was a miracle that the angel called..and was so relieved the day didn't go by without a grunt from her. God forbid the princess doesn't say anything to daddy.

I tell you what..this girl takes the cake. She really does. Daddy doesn't go along with a man hitting and bruising his pregnant daughter and right away he gets ignored for days. And as usual my DH fed right into the drama becoming upset because Angel didn't contact him for quite some time.

One manipulative bitch right there. Seriously. Sorry to be so rash but I cannot hold it in any longer. She treats him like dogshit and he takes any last bone she may want to throw at him. Anything she might have to give him he takes it as his daughter cares about him. She's such a liar and deceiver.

So much like her worthless piece of trash mother that it makes me want to run out the front door and never come back to my own home.

I swear to God I am at the point where I am ready to just totally disengage from this woman at all costs..I want hardly anything to do with her anymore and I can't hide it.

I can honestly say I feel so sorry for this child that's coming into this world to this selfish individual. I know that his life will be a complete hell due to his mother's lying and deceptions. God help that innocent baby.

NewBeginning's picture

Adoption? Oh no..not This baby will be the end-all be-all way of gaining the most attention this spoiled brat woman has ever had in her life. I can see that now without the baby even here yet. She has already made statements that pretty much the world will have to evolve around her needs when the baby comes. She doesn't plan on working but plans on her fiance working around the clock to make all their money..yet she is going to state she is living alone so she can continue to collect from the government in the way of WICK and such. Food name it.

This baby is too much of a cash cow and attention getter to allow a well deserving individual of adopting him. I could see that in the very beginning of this mess.

And Mustang I feel you, sister...I can see her using that child to get anything she can from Daddy...and him being dumb enough to do it. Regardless of Mr. Abusive Fiance working around the clock and the government paying the way..she'll still find a way to be broke and have Daddy come to her rescue. Sad but true.