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Dealing with step kids

HoneyLove16's picture

My husband and I met 8 years ago. We got married 3years ago. My husband has 4 kids in a pervious relationship. My husband kids are by his sister husband sister. I have 2 kids. One by a pervious relationship and the other by him.The oldest son live with us. The girls live with their mom. Every since we got married the jealous and envious towards me came out. My husband family dislike me. I haven't done anything.My husband holds guilt that he left there mom for another woman before he met me. I wasn't the women that broke there family apart but I'm being penalized. They don't want to eat my food. That bothers me alot as well. My feelings hurt so much. I feel like I getting the short stick. I try to express my feelings to my husband but he doesn't understand. The bm called my phone and told me to tell my cheating a** husband to stop calling her phone. I know he loves me but I think our relationship is being sabotaged by quilty father syndrome. How did you cope with dysfunction blended family 

tog redux's picture

I'm confused, what do you mean his kids are "by his sister husband sister".  Does that mean BM is his sister's husband's sister? Or that the kids live with her? 

You should block BM on your phone and disengage from his kids. If they don't like your cooking, then by all means, stop cooking for them! 

HoneyLove16's picture

Yes his bm is his sister in law. Thank you for your opinion. I don't have anyone to talk about this.  

hereiam's picture

My husband family dislike me

They would be disliking me from afar because I would not be around them, much less cook for them.

The bm called my phone

Why does she even have your number? Block her.

My husband holds guilt that he left there mom for another woman before he met me.

Unless he wants to make that up to BM and the kids by going back to her, he needs to come to terms with what he did and move on. It happened, it's over, YOU should not be punished for it. There is nothing to be gained for him to continue to feel guilty. It's now time to have a healthy relationship and take someone else's feelings into account. He needs to focus on what he has NOW.


HoneyLove16's picture

Thank you very much it means alot!!!!