Different opinions on medical issues
So how do you deal with thinking the bio mom is completely out of her mind when it comes to medical issues?? This woman recently quit her job to be a stay at home mom. She also recently had carpal tunnel surgery on one hand. Now she is claiming she has RSD in results of her carpal tunnel surgery along with multiple and I mean multiple health problems. She has been to rehab and was fired as an RN due to her pill addiction yet she is currently taking percocets, ibuprofen, zoloft, adderall, some type of psych med, and who knows what else. She is an habitual weed smoker and has also taken up drinking again. I found out she applied for disability too. I think shes going from DR to DR to get her diagnoses because she had a huuuuge falling out with the one office here in town. I don't think they were agreeing with her.
Her youngest, 11, is very much her baby and easily manipulated by her. I am worried that this woman is going to try and convince her son and doctor that he also needs to be put on meds. The other day she let us know that he had pulled some tickets in school and wasn't getting the best of grades recently. She had grounded him for pulling the tickets and not getting his folders signed. She NEVER disciplines him or gets angry with him so we were surprised. Later that night she sends my fiance a text saying he had a huge meltdown and told her he can't concentrate anymore and he is upset he doesn't get the grades he used to. She wants to take him to a doctor and talk to him about ADHD and see what he says. THIS IS THE FIRST INSTANCE OF THIS HAPPENING! She doesn't ever go over his school stuff with him! Shes too busy going to all her different doctors getting all her meds. Her mom who was currently diagnosed with alzheimers and 72 watches her infant! We did all his projects with him this year, every single one! It blows my mind that as soon as he says something is wrong, her answer is, well what medication can we put him on?! When my fiance asked him about his so-called meltdown, he said he didn't even breakdown! We know exactly how the conversation went, she grilled him and probably made him believe there is something wrong with him. The doctor she goes to is getting old and losing his mind, I dont even know how he's still practicing. A couple weeks ago he had been complaining about his knee hurting. She took him to the ER, got xrays that came back fine. Well the physician called my fiance (which he NEVER does) and told him that he just needed to stay off of it for a while and it will be fine. We told her that and she was half pissy that he didn't call her and said she was going to call him because she wanted an MRI done! She basically tells this doctor what she wants and he does it! She got him to prescribe codeine for his knee!!! He didn't use it once when he was at our house but you better know when she picked him up she made sure he took it back to her house!
I can just see the storm brewing here….shes always looking for an excuse to put him on some type of meds! Does anyone have any experience with this?? I think we should be prepared because my fiance is not going to agree with this but what are his options??? Should he just take him to a different doctor to get a second opinion if she in fact does try and get him diagnosed with something??
Unfortunately I have a gut
Unfortunately I have a gut feeling that is where we are headed - court! I just dread it. The money and the toll it takes but if necessary we will do it! I wish we could say we will take him until shes able to but she doesn't see herself as having a problem, she whole heartedly thinks she NEEDS these meds and also enjoys the affects from them. It's like a double whamy for her. I think she has convinced herself shes disabled. For example, she had to go get an injection in her neck this morning and had to have someone drive her because of the sedatives yet she got high before she left and will be going out drinking tonight. She loves being the victim so she'll tell everyone she NEEDS the meds but also enjoy them while complaining she has to take them, ya know?! ugh.
Go to court Now! No parent
Go to court Now! No parent should be putting a child on medication unless both parents agree, unless it is a life or death situation. Does your DH have joint legal custody? If not, get it. If your DH does, BM is NOT allowed to get prescription medication, schedule evasive tests without your DH permission.
He has 50/50 custody and the
He has 50/50 custody and the agreement says that whoever has custody that week can make those decisions during their custodial period. So whoever has custody is the primary parent at that time.
That should be changed. It's
That should be changed. It's dangerous and inconsistent for the kid when the parents are not in agreement on medications.
DH needs to get involved now.
DH needs to get involved now. Do they have joint custody? Are medical decisions to be agreed upon? Is she taking him to the doc without proper notification? DH may want to look into taking him and having him evaluated by a different doctor, even if it's just preemptively.
BM took the skids to see a new asthma doctor. They went from the lowest dose of a mild inhaler 1x a day, to 3 different medications 2x a day; one so strong they had to rinse their mouths out immediately afterwards to prevent getting Rush. They are back to their original meds now, but only after a year of fighting and doctor follow ups. Even still .. a whole year of ingesting that poison for no reason.