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Does anyone think this is a good idea?

Goincrazy40's picture

So FDH (Disney Dad) tells me last night that he thinks he wants to get FSS12 contacts for his Bday (12th bday). Mind you this kid can't take his glasses off to go to sleep, how is he going to take out contacts????

BM, who is a glasses wearer, will never help be responsible for them either, so don't count on the contacts being taken care of over there, or her ever supplying solution, etc. I can see the damn things getting left over there or over here. One more thing that has to be run back and forth.

But, alas, FDH thinks FSS12 is a responsible adult (NOT!) and argued with all I said and just knows son is old enough to handle it. I said, whatever, throw your money away.

buttercookie's picture

I agree, Stain got contacts at 16 and all it resulted in is heafty eye doctor bills when he got numerous eye infections from not cleaning them or caring for them. If the kid is not that responsible I'd say HECK NO. Its a health issue.

the_stepmonster's picture

Meh, its his birthday. If he doesn't waste money on contacts, he will just waste it on a video game or something else equally disposable. My SD9 and SD11 got iTouch's for Christmas and I thought for sure those things would be gone, lost or broken by February, but apparently kids become responsible real quick when its something they really want. Also, it sucks to wear glasses. I wore them when I was that age and hated them. My brother would lose his so often that my mom finally started getting him the cheapest (i.e. ugliest) pair she could buy. The day we got contacts (around 13 or 14) was like the heavens opening up.

Agged and Fragged's picture

Tell darling hubby, "If you get him contacts, I don't support the idea, I don't think he's mature enough. But instead of fighting over this, I'll tell you what: You take him to the doctor for EVERY eye infection. You contact the ophthalmologist every time the lenses are lost. Anything contact lens related is your problem, including picking up the products that go along with them and making sure he takes care of them correctly every morning and night. I don't want to talk about them, I don't want to worry about them, I don't want to think about them." Then smile sweetly and walk away.

He'll rethink it.

Goincrazy40's picture

I know how Disney dad operates.... If son loses them five times, Disney dad will get him new ones five times. Dad has no concept of consequences with his kids. Aggravating as hell. I shouldn't care so much... Our money is separate, but I did loan him $50K he has yet to start paying back to get him out of divorce debt. So it makes me mad when I see him wasting money.

buttercookie's picture

Since these things go in the eyes and since sight is an important sense, I would not buy or participate in doing anything with contacts for a kid who will not act responsible with them. I'm actually pro contact for some kids because I think its a self esteem issue besides who wants to wear glasses. But I'm only pro contact if the kid is generally responsible for things. If the kid is one of the skids around here who can't even flush the toilet I'd think twice about buying contacts.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Did SS12 ask for the contacts? My BS13 has been wearing contacts for almost 2 years now. At first I had to help him put them in because he was having a hard time but after a few weeks he got the hang of it. I buy him disposable ones that he can wear for 1 week. They usually last him 1 month because he only wears them to go out & to play sports. Takes them off at night and puts on his glasses. Here's the deal, if he doesn't take care of them they are going to sting and be very uncomfortable. So maybe you just need to have a long talk, explain how they work, explain how they can hurt his eyes if he's not careful and see how it goes from there. Also explain that he has a certain amount of contacts for a certain amount of time. If he tears them, loses them, ruins them & he spends them before the allotted time he needs to wear his glasses.

SadStep77's picture

I'm going with stepmonster on this one. Might as well let the kid get contacts. I ABSOLUTELY hated my glasses and getting contacts was a huge thing.

Might as well be on the good side of this! Maybe it will be the first step in a more responsible SS!

Most Evil's picture

I think you should give him a chance - I wore glasses when I was little and hate them to this day.

If there is a problem, tell him he will have to wait until he is more mature before trying again.

Goincrazy40's picture

FSS did not ask for them. FDH just decided this would be a great gift in his on going efforts to completely spoil his son and prove he is a better dad than BM is a mom.

Its FSD10s birthday too but FDH isn't making any effort to buy her anything great. She gets ignored almost as much as I do.

What I think about FSS s ability to handle this won't matter. I have been right about his level of maturity time and time again. I am just going to sit back and wait for the crying when FSS can't put them in or take them out, the crying when they hurt because they are never properly cleaned ( or infected because he doesn't know how to wash his hands), and the frustration when they are left behind where they do not belong.

I just wish I did not have to hear all of it.