driving 2 hours to meet BM #2 who won't show up............
It is our weekend this weekend for SS3. My SO has attempted to contact BM #2 EVERY Single day this week. He has called. He has texted. And each time saying, " We will meet you at blablabla at 4pm" she has not responded at all. We have to drive about 2 hours to the half way point. We know she isn't going to show. But we mean business. We are done with this bullshit of her ignoring calls, texts etc. And only responding when she feels like it, which has come down to just once a month IF we are lucky. Right now we have papers filed with our attorney to enforce the agreed upon parenting plan and she is getting a letter int he mail informing of her of her being in contempt for not following what the judge signed. But the last time he had to do this she disappeared for 6 months. It took him over a year to get her into mediation. She ignored all the court letters. When they finally got to mediation she told the mediator she felt like she was being bullied by our attorney.. WTF if she would JUST do what she is suppose to she wouldn't get letters from our attorney. My SO hates having to use an attorney in fact he sat on the papers this time for 3 months before finally breaking and saying ok I have had enough I guess I have to do this.
So I get off work early today and I was so hoping to spend the day at the pool relaxing.. but I guess we get in our car and DRIVE 2 hours for nothing.... because we know she won't be there. She has moved. We have no clue where her new address is. She hasn't alerted the courts of the move. It's all just a freaken mess. I hope that when we go to court that a judge see's how insane this has become.
Wow, what a piece of work she
Wow, what a piece of work she is! Why on earth, if DH clearly knows she won't show, would he insist on wasting time and gas to go out there?
I guess your hands are pretty much tied though. All you can do is hope the court system can handle her...
If I were you, I'd sit my pretty ass at home and make him take the drive alone!!!
It's women like this that
It's women like this that create Fatherless children who grow up deprived. They are crazy and jealous and bitter and they punish their kids by playing these kinds of games. The courts suck for Dads rights and if this were a Man just blatantly ignoring the Courts, he'd be in all kinds of trouble when they finally caught up with him.
Makes no sense. You guys do what you're supposed to do. Note in a journal or on camera that you arrived at designated place, at designated time after being ignored all week and she didn't show up. Collect every bit of evidence of her non-compliance that you can so eventually going to court will work for you guys. Good luck!
So I'm dying to know...did
So I'm dying to know...did she show up????
My DH's ex was never on time
My DH's ex was never on time or just wouldn't show up at all. We sat in her driveway many, many times with the skids at 6pm on Sunday to return them. She would show up whenever she felt like it. We were afraid to go back to our house because then she might say we didn't return them on time. Sitting in the driveway was much worse then waiting at our home for her to drop them off. They were always hours late.
By the time they showed up skids needed dinner, baths and each had a bag of clothes to wash. It was an awful period of time for us. DH finally told her to stick with the court order and she flipped out and started yelling, calling everyone names and throwing things at me. She took the kids & left. Of course the skids were hurt the most. It's no wonder now that I'm dealing with obnoxious young adult skids. With a crazy BP it's almost inevitable!