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EFF it!!!! I'm done!

SummerMomma719's picture

I can't do it anymore.!!! I can't do this every other weekend. Dh an I always seem to be not on the best of terms when sd is around. When she isn't things are great. Today has been hm between my husband and I. I can't effin take it. Then a little while ago dh said something to me. I responded an sd was like " yea no kidding" wtf!!! And dh DOESN'T say an effin word to her.

sbm014's picture

The only way it gets easier is with clear boundaries and communication putting your and your partner on the same page or pages close together not on opposite ends of the book.

SummerMomma719's picture

Thanks for diagnosing me with PP. but doctor must of forgot to inform me when I had my follow up visit 6 weeks after delivering.....anyone else pick up on my people think they know everything

SummerMomma719's picture

Wow I wish I could ry tell you how I feel. But I'll be nice. And me disliking sd was well before I was even pregnant with my dd. you don't k ow me or my life no need to start name calling like a child. I don't have to like sd. Why? Cause she is dh's?? No. Ill never act on my feelings towards her. I vent and I say how I feel on here. I've probably been pretty blunt an said things some of the SM's on wish to get out but won't because they are afraid of what people think. I don't! Because I don't k ow any of you. So what's it matter. What's this site for?? To vent and to seek advise and support. With what??? Skids. So back off if I annoy you and you don't like what I post why do you take the time to read it???

SummerMomma719's picture

All depends on your attitude about it. This I realize myself but am having a hard time changing my attitude. I've been doing it for 2 years.

Cocoa's picture

it will get easier only if you can get your dh to see what is going on. I couldn't get mine to do that so I TOLD him how certain things were going to be that affected me, my home, my time and my finances, and then I disengaged. I now engage on MY terms. if he doesn't like it, he can piss out a window. the bottom line is you HAVE to look out for yourself because nobody else is going to. and you can NEVER be afraid of losing a man.

thinkthrice's picture

"you HAVE to look out for yourself because nobody else is going to. and you can NEVER be afraid of losing a man."


Disengaging is pretty awesome. It forces daddykins to deal one on one with his progeny and see up close and personal their less than stellar qualities. The most guilty of the guilty daddies will just become "exhausted" from waiting on their progeny hand and foot. And that is a tiny glimmer of enlightenment. Whether or not they get to "Stage 2" after your disengagement is a crap shoot. This is where exhaustion turns to resentment and possibly self-examination--it just might not be a GOOD thing to play BUTLER to your "returning royalty" whenever they come over for ENTITLEMENT sessions, errrr I mean "visitation."