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The End

akt8597's picture ended. I am four months pregnant and my fiancee and I ended our relationship Christmas night after a month of hell thanks to the BM. I am beside myself....I feel like I let her win because we ended it but I also can't go on dealing with all of the crap she has put us through. Has anyone gone through this? Does anyone have any suggestions for how to deal with it while I am pregnant?

mom2five's picture

She did not win. You did not lose. This stuff is hard. And if you don't feel like your fiance was able to be 100% on your side all the time, then the relationship never really had a chance.

I am sorry you are hurting.

on the fence's picture

I am so sorry, AKT. I wish I could do something for you. I broke up with my BF about a week and a half before Christmas and it still doesn't seem to be over. On Christmas eve he was still emailing what he wanted back.

I am so depressed right now that I spent all of yesterday in bed.

You won't have the option of no contact with a baby, so this is going to be even more tough for you.

I will say though, that at least you will have YOUR baby and that will bring lots of joy.

(((((HUGS)))). Stay close. You'll feel better about it looking at what you just escaped. It helps me.

llorraine23's picture

Oh AKT I'm so sorry. I send you my best wishes through this awful time. I think you made the right decision. You need to do what is right for you and your baby, that should come first. I'm in a bad marriage right now and mentally splitting up our belongings......if only I knew I would get the dog....