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Ending child support ??

Stepmom09's picture

This is way far away for DH (over 4,000 days) but you have to go to court to end CS?? WTF? and it could go past age 18?

hereiam's picture

My DH did not have to go to court; he had to file an affidavit of termination (did not need a lawyer), have BM served, wait 30 days for her NOT to respond ('cuz she's a bitch like that) and then it was terminated. BM could have just signed the affidavit, but again, bitch.

Some states automatically end on the 18th birthday or whatever that state's age is, if there is no other stipulation (like college).

It can go past 18 if the kid has not graduated high school at the time he/she turns 18, and some states continue CS if the kid attends college. Where I live, it's 21 IF they go to college.

Check with your state's guidelines.

Stepmom09's picture

Our states guidelines is till age 19 or graduation from high school which ever comes first. What happens if said child joins the military? Does DH have to pay BM even then? Guess it doesn't matter we will be paying her for freaking ever. She fought to get a piece of DH military retirement(if he retires and doesn't just leave)

hereiam's picture

Joining the military is, in every state I have looked up, an emancipating event. So is getting married, which is what my SD did.

robin333's picture

Depends on your state. Definitely check when the time gets closer. The last thing you want is to incur arrears because of a technicality (DH paid CS for SS past 19. When he stopped, he didn't know he had to get modified by the court (neither did I, had not been on this site yet). It didn't matter that SS hadn't been in school since 16 and that BM had lied and said he was in a "special program". Total BS. So, DH ended up having to pay arrears for the full amount for SS. Yes, we should have been more aware. I double check everything now. Please learn from our stupidity -check your state laws.

Rags's picture

Generally .... you have to at least file with the Child Support Enforcement Office. In your state you may have to petition the court.

In our case the Sperm Clan filed on the Skid's 18th birthday with the DA to end CS. We could have countered on the kid's behalf to extend until school started in the fall and continued to nail the SpermIdiot for CS until SS turned 22 as long as he was a full time college student in good standing. SS refused to continue to nail the shallow and polluted end of his gene pool for CS beyond his 18th birthday due to SpermGrandHag's guilt campaign about SS taking food out of the mouths of the three younger also out of wedlock spermidiot spawn.

SS enlisted in the USAF instead of going straight to college. Instantly SpermGrandHag started to guilt him about sending money to help support his three younger spermidiot spawned half sibs.

He never sent a penny though he does visit them upon occasion to put one of his younger sibs against a wall to give them clarity that they need to abandon following in the SpermIdiot's gang banger wannabe foot steps.

In fact he is there now. This will be an interesting visit as he will inform SpermGrandHag that he has not been adopted legally by me.

ChiefGrownup's picture

Ohhh! I didn't know they hadn't heard of the blessed event yet! Let us know how it turns out, Rags. Por favor.

onwardupward's picture

Our state says it could go into her 20's if she's in college but that's a ways away. Any little mistake on paperwork here and the courts send you home and reschedule months out so even though it's an expensive pain in the butt it's till probably for the best.

Andie91801's picture

California child support is paid until the child is either 18 or finish hight school whichever comes later. For college is just depends on the parents. Some parents open 529 as soon as the child is born.
