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Every SMs worst nightmare has happened to me *potty mouth post*

Missing_Me's picture

So a month ago my sd10 tells me that she walked in and seen her daddy and mommy in their panties together. This occurred months after we were married. My husband has told this woman to go jump off a bridge numerous times. Tells her what a piece of shit drug addict whore she is on a regular basis and yet, he slept with her. They cannot even be in the same room without an argument, now I have HPV, because apparently during a drop off at MY home they couldn't keep their hands off of each other, so much so that my DD8 was also in the other room and knew of this, but couldn't share it with me for fear of breaking momma's heart. Good luck to all SMs out there. I am going back to being a single mom of two, a life without a husband and step children will be a lonely one at first, but I am hoping that I can eventually find some peace and I will NEVER EVER date another man with kids!

Rags's picture

Annulment, take half or more of everything, sue him for giving you HPV (I believe suing over an STD has been done successfully in the US), and leave him to his virally poxed XW.

No loneliness, just celebrate getting rid of his worthless ass.

Good luck.

The big G's picture

Thats just wrong on your little girl. Poor wee mite. Like the rest of the posters said. Screw him for every penny and leave him to play happy families with the druggie ex.

Soon-to-be-Step-Mommy's picture

Sue the shit out of him. He cheated and gave you an STD. That is definitely grounds for a lawsuit. And the fact that your daughter was there and saw what was going on...that could possibly be a form of sexual abuse? Exposing that kind of activity to your child???

Auteur's picture

"No loneliness, just celebrate getting rid of his worthless ass."

Well said!

windee's picture

Amazing what some people do! How is your daughter handling all of this? I cannot believe he did this to you! He didn't think of you or your daughter! And no thought what-so-ever to what he might be bringing home to you!!! BASTARD! I would definately do everything in my power to pay him back for what he has done to your daughter and yourself! You deserve better with all the happiness in the world!

skylarksms's picture

OMG - I am so sorry that you went through this crap because of that POS.

I would get myself to a lawyer ASAP. If your POS stbXH wants sex so bad, your lawyer can give him a good raping.

You would think that you could get him in some sort of trouble for having sexual activity while the children were around and knew about it! That's GOT to be some kind of neglect or something...

Again, I am so sad for you and your daughter. Poor girl to be put in that position!

Totalybogus's picture

Are you sure she is telling the truth? Kids her age make up stories all the time, especially if they think it will make their mother happy My x-husbands's daughter made up terrible stories when she was little because if she said anything good about our house, her mother was hateful to her. Her mom was only happy if she was miserable. So the kid started makeing up things. One of her lies got HRS investigating my husband and I and at the time we were both in law enforcement. Everything wound up being dismissed and the kid ultimately wound up being taken away from her mother and coming to live with us.

All I'm saying is don't jump to conclusions. Look a little deeper first. It may just be that your sd is trying to make her mom feel good by breaking up your family.

Missing_Me's picture

Are you sure she is telling the truth?
He admitted it! I would love to take him for everything but that would leave my steps with nothing and I am better then that. I have been trying marriage counselling with him, HA! I don't even know why? I know it's over! I know I could never love, trust or respect this man again! Thanks for the support ladies and gentleman! I wasn't even going to post this here but I figured if i could save one person from EVER going through this pain by sharing it, I would, My husband was NOT that man, we had our problems but I NEVER imagined, hell NOBODY ever imagined that he would cheat on me, he appeared to worship the ground that I walked upon. God, I just made myself sick!

Totalybogus's picture

In that case, I wouldn't bother with the counseling. Do you really want to live the rest of your life worried about where he is or what he's doing every time he walks out the door or is out of your sight?

Some people say that things like this have actually strengthened their marriages. I can't fathom how.

skylarksms's picture

I'm sure SD didn't make up that the OP has an STD! Does it really matter if it came from BM or some other woman?

Totalybogus's picture

HPV can appear years after sexual contact occurs. She could have gotten this prior to her marriage from another partner or he could have had it before he married her. I'm just saying...

distorted reality's picture

I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. I'm sorry that children had be the witness to such repulsive behavior.

You say that he admitted this to you but, you need to get him to admit it again on tape, so that IF you change your mind and decide to sue his a$$, you have it in his own words and he can't back track from it. This type of man usually does. Personally, I would sue his a$$ off. You don't have to collect on any judgement but, I sure as hell would get my point across.
Then again, I'd probably invite him over (one evening in the future) have a few drinks (sans alcohol for you) while discussing 'the kids, then I'd wait until he passed out & superglue his d*ck to his leg and his balls to his a$$hole. I don't mean a tiny little bead.... I mean use the whole damn tube! But, I am quite evil at times. }:)

Hang in there!

skylarksms's picture

I heard that too, except in my version, she put the fish (or maybe it was shrimp?) inside the curtain rods.

Missing_Me's picture

I would like to shove dead fish or shrimp in the asses of both of these nasty asses. Then they would really be the match made in hell.. EWW, the more I think about it, the more pissed off that I get. I go from crying to angry in .0001 of a second. I want to kick them both in the crotch except I am afraid that I may catch something else.

unbelieveable's picture

UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! this makes me want to tear my hair out...and your SO and his ex. ONE he HURT YOU by being the biggest skeez EVER TWO she was a total SKEEZ with no respect for you so they deserve eachother and you deserve better! Get out and move on to someone you deserve who respects you! GET AWAY FROM THAT trash!

AngelCakes's picture

Killing him sounds like a great answer but not the reality in which we live...couple things though:

1 - you can take him to court and he could go to jail for purposing infecting you with a life threatening disease, thats close to attempted murder in some states,

and if that does not work.....take him for all he has got and then some.

I am soooo sorry for your pain, I love my husband but Im not going to lie and say that I dont imagine my husband cheating on me with his ex.....drives me insane sometimes...

Its just a shame that it was your reality that it happened in and I truly wish you the best in the future and hope that you find happiness.
