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Father’s Day Fail

Steppedout22's picture

So the skids did not even bother to call their dad to tell him Happy Father's Day. Instead, he waited until late afternoon (since BM allows them to stay up all night and sleep all day) and he finally called SS just because she wanted to talk to them on Father's Day. SS is barely engaged in the conversation and just talks about himself and then rushes off the phone with a quick "oh happy Father's Day or whatever". It was so disrespectful. The other kids did not call or text him at all. I have been so livid about this, but DH just says he never gets his hopes up because they never acknowledge Father's Day, even though they make their mom cards and all kinds of crap for Mother's Day. If they were with us on Mother's Day, I would make sure that they all called their mom to wish her happy Mother's Day, even though I despise the woman because that's the decent thing to do. I am so disappointed in these kids and so angry at them. They just wait for us to buy them stuff and complain about everything. I feel so bad for DH because he does more for them than anyone else in their lives ever has and all he gets is "when will you buy me more stuff?". I'm so over it. DH doesn't see it like I do but I think they're spoiled brats who have no respect for anyone or anything. I have been so angry about how they treat them that my blood pressure has stayed elevated. He deserves better and I don't want to buy them anything anymore because they are spiked and don't deserve it. So fed up!

Steppedout22's picture

I really wish I could have an honest discussion with DH about how terrible these kids are. I wish we were on the same page about it but I know that's unlikely. He he admitted that they are spiked in the past but I am so upset about how disrespectful they are and how they make no effort to be nice to him or acknowledge anything important in his life. It's sickening. One is an adult and he couldn't be bothered at all to do anything or say anything nice to DH. It makes me so upset when this happens and it just furthers my feelings of not being able to stand these brats and not wanting them in my house and not wanting to spend a penny on them that we aren't ordered by the court to. I can't believe he talks so highly about these kids because they are all unimpressive, irresponsible, careless, spoiled idiots who think they know it all. I could vomit.

Patience2000's picture

My DH had an excuse for the SS on why he missed the day... to call..and on his birthday. The SS never has acknowledged me. It use to bother me but not anymore. I do take it personal when he hurts my DH.

Steppedout22's picture

That's how I feel too. They never acknowledge me on Mother's Day or my birthday or Christmas or anything like that, but I don't really care about that. I just hate it when they do it to their father. It makes me so angry me I can't get over it.

Shieldmaiden's picture

Dh will refuse to see it until he has a crisis, and can't deny it anymore. I would let these kids fail as hard as they can, so DH gets a dose of reality that he can't ignore.

Steppedout22's picture

You know, I keep thinking that will happen but it never does. He just clings to them and acts like they're so cool all the time, no matter what. He will admit when they act up sometimes, like if they start fighting with each other or something but other than that, he thinks everything they do is so great and amazing, though it's usually nothing to speak of. It grates on me.

Rags's picture

I did not call my dad on FD. I never forget... until now.

I did post a collage of pics and a HFD message to him on FD.  It got over 100 likes or comments.  

I flew out from LV to Houston early Sunday AM on FD.  Once I landed DW picked me up from the airport and we immediately started attacking the contents of our house.  I made two runs to GoodWill, emptied my half of the closet, tossed countless hundreds of pounds of expired panty items, ... and ... I forgot to call me dad.

As we crawled into bed I realized that I had not talked to my dad on FD. I talk to mom and dad every day M-F.  I missed calling him on FD.  I sent him a text at 11:30 PM.  Mentally I get that I was overcome by events and did not just blow him off. I still feel bad.

I can't immagine not wanting to speak with my dad on FD or my mom on MD.  Even if I did not care to speak to them, I would not do that to them. At least not on purpose.

Sorry 2


Aniki-Moderator's picture

"...tossed countless hundreds of pounds of expired PANTY items..."

Oh myyyyyy... *crazy*

Steppedout22's picture

I can't imagine that either. Even when I was somewhat estranged from my parents, I would still tell them happy birthday and happy Father's Day and stuff like that. And what gets me is the kids KNEW it was Father's Day and they didn't do anything. Couldn't even talk to him for 5 minutes. It's pathetic and hurtful and I despise them all for it. I know DH was hurt but he just said that he never expects anything from them because they never do anything and it's just easier for him that way. I took him shopping and out to eat to try to make up for it but the whole time I was trying to not shake from anger. They're so selfish and spoiled and I hate being around them.

Steppedout22's picture

And, yet again, they all get away with being selfish little brats that don't care about anyone but themselves. No one will say anything to them and I can't because it will cause a big issue. Ugh it makes me so sick. 

CLove's picture

I didnt even ask if Feral Forger SD24 texted or called or anything.

And SD17 powersulk spent all day at mall saturday and when I asked if she gave her stuff to her dad, got the big eyes. "everything was too expensive!!!! I only had 14$!!!!" So I rushed her out the door and at wallgreens had her pick out some stuff. pickings were nill at that point but whatever...

NOW, after her little camera recording ranting abuse of me Monday night I wont be doing that ever ever ever again - not for birthday in november, not for christmas not for anything ever ever again.

We did spend a wonderful afternoon at my family bbq then the husbands family little fast gathering.

Harry's picture

How ever DH see it,  He see it, he doing what he is doing for his reason, You want a person who got divorced, blowing up his life, because he couldn't change then. You would think he should learn from this.

You must find a way to deal with this. Putting your foot down.  Got to be a workable life.  He has to have yoir back.  He must understand divorce.  He must understand his kids are screwing up his life.  Yes, it's his job to parent his kids.  That doesn't mean letting kids run wild. So they are happy.  

Steppedout22's picture

I don't know what it is going to take for him to really see them as they are. I try to point things out as politely as possible but then I'm the bad guy and "they're just kids". No. They're old enough to know what's right and what's wrong.

Notthedoormat's picture

DH gets phone calls and FB posts most of the time, but when he drove 4.5 hours to pick SD22 up for her visit this week he noticed a very pricey piece of sporting equipment and comments it should be put away with the sgks there. SD22 told him she got it for her FIL for Father's Day.  With what money, I don't know, and it was probably a few hundred dollar.

DH has never gotten a real gift from her so it really hurt him. But in years past when she was still in school and we sent her $$$ regularly, at Christmas she and her sibling got BM a nice, pricey stand mixed. DH got a small piece of wood with our last name badly pointed on it.  DH noticed and knows we probably supplies the finds for BM's gift from skids. 

SD will make a big deal about her dad and love bomb him when it suits her and her alterior motives. And DH eats it up! I get so angry that he falls for it again and again. He's said a few things that lead me to believe he knows she's full of shit, but when she says Daddeeee....I just roll my eyes....


Steppedout22's picture

Oh yeah, all SS could talk about in the 1.5 minutes he was on the phone with DH was how cool BM's new boyfriend was and all the fun stuff they did with him on Father's Day. Like are you serious?? I wanted to smack him through the phone for that. I could tell it hurt DH a lot.

tfsimmons's picture

Truly, last Sunday we were hoping some mini van size submarine would surface and the World could celebrate a rescue mission.  Life doesn't always end like a Hallmark movie...  You can't rewind time to change your response - some kids are just too young - especially when under their Mother's spell to keep her wickedly wonderful.  What's my point? It's never too early to have a plan in place - one that can be changed as needed.