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Fed Up Newbie Here Looking For A Little Support

FedUpStepMomOF2's picture


Step mom of 2 adult children - 18 year old daughter - 22 year old son. Love my guy with all of my heart but I cannot stand how he babies and spoils his kids. They have no sense of responsibility, zero work ethic and a distorted view of reality. Don't get me started on the sense of entitlement thing. His son is has been living in California since October (finally got a job today) so I can't complain much at the moment in regards to him- not to mention at least with his son I can parent/ scold/ dole out advice and the kid still loves me. But his daughter.... Is it wrong to say that I hate her? I mean - I care about her but I do-not-like-her. The one time I rode her for stupid, inconsiderate stuff she had been doing (that had been building) it caused a massive 3 day fight between me and my guy with me leaving the house and us not talking all because she told him that I made her feel unwelcome in "her own home". He automatically took her side, like always, only to find out that I was right all along. She snoops through my stuff, takes my stuff, lies, conveniently forgets, is lazy as shit and passive aggressive. What kills me is that even when they're wrong ---they're not wrong---.

He tells me to feel free to discipline her (he knows in his heart that I am very fair) but when I do it causes major tension along with MASSIVE resentment. I feel like I'm fighting a battle that I cannot win with the end result being the demise of our relationship. Help.

FedUpStepMomOF2's picture

Thanks guys! Smile

Trust me, I've told him how I feel. When it gets to the point where I'm sincerely ready to leave he changes his tune and kisses my ass (all while trying to sweep the crap that his daughter does under the rug and hope I don't notice.) Unfortunately, I really love this guy which is the reason I've put up with it so long. BUT everyone has a breaking point. I find my eyes starting to wander and my thoughts being about single life.

As far as her moving out - not any time soon. The are SPOILED!!!!! No chores to do, weekly allowance, no curfew, rides to the attractions at all hours of the day or night (we live in central FL about an hour from the parks. Expensive presents (bitch wanted a new computer for Christmas had a Mac lap top that was fine but wanted an HP so she could play games... $700.00 later.... )

There are no boundaries.

Like I told my oldest (biological daughter) that was out by 18 "did I push you hard enough (made to do chores, pushed to go to school, work ethic instilled, not allowed to sleep all day) that you're now 24, self sufficient with your own car and place? Yes I did. You're welcome".

Orange County Ca's picture

So you're unwilling to leave him and I presume you don't have sufficient control over the house to toss him and the kid out. So you'll have to live with it. If you want to separate your finances you can at least keep your own income from being spent on his kids by splitting up the household finances according to income. I.e. if according to 2013 taxes you have 60% of the income then you chip in 60% into the family check book from which all expenses are paid.