I get so frustrated with my bf ex.I feel like if it weren't for me then my sd's would not do much.I bake with them...take them to see Santa (well my bf did this year)...take them shopping...while their bm is too busy to do any of these things.My bf pays his child support yet still needs to buy extra's for my sd's because bm has no time or refuses to do so.When I say extra's I am talking about things that the school has said the kids need.He even had to buy them their winter jackets because bm had no time...yet she worked in a mall..hello ever heard of shopping on your lunch break.I have even had to take them shopping for clothes that the oldest needed for gym.I love being thier sm but I wish their bm would start being more involved in her kids lives.I also wish my bf would stand up to her and tell her she needs to find the time to get these things or at least pay him back for them.I have children from a previous relationship and that is what my ex and I do...after all that is why he pays child support...well when he actually pays it...but thats a whole other way would love to hear if any one else has the same frustrations as I do.I have tried talking to my bf about it but it doesn't get me any where.Thanks.