The "goodbye" talk. - Kind of lengthy
One month ago, today, I got the talk and he told me it was over. I still come to ST because it helps to confirm that I am not the only one who has been feeling troubled all of these years (5 1/2)in a no-win relationship. I am still hurting and I know it will take time, but I miss the man who I thought was my best friend, companion and lover. I adored this man, even when he acted creepy towards me. He put his kids first, not a bad thing, except that he never put me in the equation. I always came after the SK's and BM. Now I see that that is not so uncommon. I thought I was just being over sensitive and I needed to get a grip on this relationship. It was helpful for me to read a link ( I can't find it anymore) it was something about how to make your partner feel neglected in the relationship. It was spot on in my case. He would seem to ignore me when the kids were around and then he would get mad and say I was not bonding with his children. His children are very rich, privilaged (as is the BM - thanks to him) and I had trouble relating to them, I guess, and they are now getting close to being teen-agers and acting differently. I am an old lady in their heads.
Something else clicked thanks to this website. It was about the narcisistic BM and her daughters. My now ex-bf (still hard to sink in that he is my ex now) told me early in the relationship that through counseling before his divorce the counselor told him that she has NPD (narcisistic personality disorder). She definitely fits the descriptions of one. She spends tons of money on herself, expensive everything and still has him cover misc. expenses for the kids even though she gets $5,000.00 per month for CS. I was lucky to get that the entire growing up years of my now 20 year old BD. Anyway, something happened this last summer at an outdoor event. We met up with the sk's and the BM and she said to me "Nice to see you again, monklas" All I did was answer "Hi" and then kind of ignore her. Sk age 10 gave me a strange look like she was disappointed in me or something that I wasn't gushing all over BM. Since that time, SK10 had been ignoring me, no eye contact to me or my BD and I found a note she had written in the garbage and it said "Do not give any eye contact to ...THEM!" The NPD description said that they hate to be ignored most of all and especially if you don't look at them because you are kind of like a mirror to them . They need to be constantly adored. Things were starting to go down hill, I guess, but I didn't really realize this. BD got mad at sk10 when she was being loud and disrespectful in the house. My bd apologized for this and gave her a hug, yet, my bf held a grudge and was mad about this. He said my BD and myself are just used to being alone (we all lived together for 4 1/2 years - not like we just moved in) and we couldn't bond with his kids. He also told me he wasn't attracted to me anymore. there was no spark. To me that is immature love. There should be occasional sparks but when you are caught up in the day to day crap the sparks fizzle until there is a more appropiate time. Am I wrong? I realize I am probably better off, but not too long ago he told me he loved me and something just changed really quickly. I know I should just get over this but this was a long term relationship, one that he assured me it was for the long haul. There is also an old friend (female) of his that entered the picture this summer. She got married but she was always in love with exbf and did'nt seem to like me very much. I could feel the tension. Now, its like her family and exbf and his kids are all doing things as a family and I was pushed out to the curb. What a horrible whirlwind I've been in this past month. I moved out within two weeks of him telling me it was over and now BD and myself are trying to adjust to a strange and different environment, away from the home and people we loved and knew for the past 5 1/2 yrs. Any comments are greatly welcome as I need to feel better soon!!
Hi Monklas - big (((HUG)))
Hi Monklas - big (((HUG))) to you
'No spark' is a naff excuse - watch 'He's just not that into you' to see what men say about sparks there - it's an excuse when they don't know what else to say!
It sounds like this guy is always going to put his kids over & above any relationship he has, which will mean he ends up old & alone (cos the kids will realise they can keep him single and just for them but refusing to 'bond' with anyone!) He just better hope that his kids appreciate this and return the favour when he's old, especially if he needs caring for.
Whereas you, I'm sure, will take the time to grieve for the relationship, and then move on and find someone wonderful. As your BD is 20, hopefully you two can talk things through, and you know people are always here.
Thank you, Storm. Your
Thank you, Storm. Your comments give me strength. This last August my exbf went on a fishing trip with an old college buddy. He said the college buddy was the one to help him sort out his feelings and helped him discover that he didn't feel a spark whenever I would walk into the room. The ironic twist in this is that when the college buddy went home to his wife he discovered that she has been having an affair for some time. I guess the sparks in his life are coming back to burn him. Looks like KARMA strikes (no pun intended) again!!
Awww. Huggs to you!!! This
Awww. Huggs to you!!! This will pass. Just focus on your child and your happiness.
"Courage is fear holding on a minute longer." General George S. Patton
He sounds asshatty to me!
He sounds asshatty to me! This is not your fault honey and has everything to do with him and his kids, not you. It is so hard adjusting I am sure, but you know we have to kiss a lot of frogs, before we get our prince. Take time to grieve, but eventually you will be looking forward, to your brand new life. HUGS![Smile](
"What luck for rulers that men do not think."
Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)
He has unrealitic
He has unrealitic expectations, better he finds out how his ideas will end up while not with you.
For you this is going to be a mental challenge, keeping your emotions in check and not allowing the situation to get out of hand and against you.
be strong. If you are things will end up well for you in the long run.
Thanks Jeans. You are
Thanks Jeans. You are right. It is mentally challenging. Sometimes I think I have a grip on things and then I start thinking about what I could've done to prevent this, and my future has suddenly changed, and was it because of another woman. I know I am going through the grieving process and I think I am in panic mode right now. My daughter is not handling this too well. She has anxiety and depression and is cognitively (borderline) disabled. She is so lost right now and I know I have to be strong for her. I recently got a job which is 3rd shift with mandatory OT. I am so exhausted! Just in one month I've had to move everything out, accept all of these changes and try to move on. This is so hard!! The money helps and I am so lucky to have a job right now, yet I am scared about the future and what it holds. I know, none of us know. I have to trust that this was meant to be and try to move forward. Thank you everyone for being here. I would be lost without this website. So much confirms that I am not alone in how difficult a relationship like this is/was.
Monklas, I have been dealing
I have been dealing with this as well. Well, the "being last" with his kids and stuff. Counseling has helped a lot.
I so understand your situation, the perfect guy, your best friend... It is beyond painful.
I feel for you so much. I am currently working tward repairing ours. He is also.
You have gotten excelent advice.... I wish you well.
Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.'
Erich Fromm
Thank you all for your
Thank you all for your comments. I feel better at times and then I go into a slump again and find myself really missing him. I guess this is part of the grieving and I have to accept this. I talked to my neighbor who's husband likes to have a beer with exbf now and then. She told me that I was in an impossible situation and now that the kids were getting older it would just get worse. She said her H said exbf told him that his kids wanted me and my BD gone. They didn't like us living there anymore. Maybe because I told them to put their shoes away and not have them plopped in front of the door, or not to put their hands all over the wall. I never yelled at his kids, only showed them respect. When I discovered boogers all over the sofa I took them individually so I wouldn't embarrass them and told them that I didn't know if they did it but they needed to clean it and nobody would know who the guilty one was. I was kind, and patient with his kids and never interfered in Ex and their relationships. Is it normal for SK's that the older they get they start turning on you and can have that much power in a BD's life that they can decide who is in and who is out? I would never give my daughter the power to decide who was going to be in my life unless it was an abusive situation. I'm stunned. They were probably resentful that my daughter and I were at their dad's place all of the time and had to go to BM's house when all of the fun was over. BM is a very strict parent. I am sure they don't get away with things there. I remeber saying "kitchen is closed" at 8:00 p.m. once because I was sick of always having to clean up the kitchen after dinners/snacking etc.. I got in trouble for that. Then I asked one sk "I bet mom likes to close the kitchen sometimes" and she said nobody can snack after dinner. I was really in a pond of quicksand, slowly sinking and nothing I did was ever going to pull me out. So I have to get this in my head that it was for the better and stop thinking about how much I miss him.