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Happy Mother's Day weekend to all the "Mom's" out there!

EvilWickedSM's picture

Hope you have a wonderful weekend and get to spend it in a way that makes you happy!

Craving Normality's picture

Right back at ya. Hope you have a great weekend too. Hope it works out for all of us just the way we want it to.

Craving Normality's picture

Can I ask your opinion on something, without trying to steal your post. My SO who I have a child with, wants to go to his son's footie game on Mothers Day. It's at 11 so he will have to leave about 10 and will get home about 2. I will have to be gone by then because it is also my Nana's 90th birthday. I wanted him to come. He says he'll come after the footie. My nana lives an hour away (the other way to the footie game). I would have liked to go together. Do you think I am being nasty for having my nose a bit out of joint? Should I just suck it up? He is of the opinion I should not be asking him to miss his kids sports game.

EvilWickedSM's picture

I personally am of the mind that 1) there will be many other games he can go watch, 2) how many 90th Birthday parties will your Nana have? and 3) It's Mother's Day darnit!!, so he should go with you. I personally would want DH to go with me, especially if there will be other games he can attend. If this were the only one then I would understand him meeting me later.

EvilWickedSM's picture

I've packed two bottles for my weekend trip and I plan on indulging in both! I might not "need" them though as BM has changed her mind and wants SD with her on Mother's Day.

Craving Normality's picture

Oh and BTW - to get the desired effect - I might need a bottle and a half!

RedWingsFan's picture

DH's mom passed away 10 yrs ago so he said he wants to visit her gravesite as he does every year on Mother's Day.

When he returns, I'll ask him to take me to Hooters for free wings for moms and then to Cold Stone for a free ice cream. Other than that, our only plans for this entire weekend is completing the chinchilla mansion and accessorizing it. Oh and cleaning the apartment that has been trashed during the construction phase! LOL

Since my DD15 lives with her dad in MI and I don't get to spend Mother's Day with her, she'll call me and likely has sent a card. I don't really celebrate much since I can't see her you know?

Craving Normality's picture

Yes Evil, thanks, I feel the same bloody way. Does not seem much I can do about it though. Except throw a tantrum and I am far too old for that. He is determined to not let me stand in the way of his son's footie game.

Red, I have read your posts and this time of year must be hard for you. HUG HUG KISS KISS. Can I just tell you I think you are cool as- all the way from AUS

RedWingsFan's picture

Thanks Craving - I have an excellent relationship with my daughter and that's all the comfort I really need not being able to spend this day with her you know?

She'll call me and we'll have a great conversation like we always do and it'll be wonderful even if we can't see each other for another month.

I look forward to happy times with her and I wouldn't give that up for the world.

dep333's picture

I'm looking forward to my SO's kids being with THEIR mom and I get to have a day with just DS13 around....ahhhhh

christinen's picture

SD will be with her "mom" for the day and I am looking forward to some peace and quiet with DH! Smile

proudstepmommy's picture

Awww thanks!!! Happy Mothers Day to you too! SD10 will be spending the day with BM... As much as I'd like her to be with us, I understand that being with her BM is where she needs to be... With that said, I work tomorrow, Sunday is my last day off until Memorial Day weekend, so I've already informed DH that I will not be lifting a finger on Sunday lol