Happy Stepmother's Day!
After a year of being a stepmom I'm just now starting to read more about it and I learned that today is Stepmother's Day. I don't want to bring it up with my husband because things are tense right now but maybe next year we'll find a way to celebrate.
Happy Stepmother's Day to all of you! I hope you have a great day!
Not sure it's something to
Not sure it's something to celebrate...but thanks! And happy step mother's day to you as well!
(No subject)
It's another day created by
It's another day created by the greeting card companies (read that as "Hallmark") who actually have registered lobbyists roaming the halls of Congress to maintain the current holidays and lobby for more.
OK OK Hallmark hides behind http://www.greetingcard.org/ and by clicking on that link you can read all about their efforts, the efforts they're proud of anyway.
Don't feel bad 'alwaysanon' you're new at the game and we respect that. Step-parents simply do not need another "holiday" to feel bad over when they don't get recognized.
There are well over a hundred "special days/weeks/months" created like this. Too numerous to list, here is a link to all of them: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_observances_in_the_United_States_by...