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Mother's Day Cards

StepG's picture

So H and I went shopping for Mother's Day cards on Saturday. Fours hours later I left Wal-Mart with the feeling of what the crap? All the mother's day cards are about all the love and support you gave me and blah blah blah. Well what about those of us who do not have moms that fit that? And those cards to mommy from kids about I am the luckiest little boy and your are the greatest mom ever? I am thinking forgive me while I shove my whole hand down my throat and puke....

Anyway I want someone to write some real cards for Mother's Day. I just posted about Mother's day and celebrating those moms in our life and stated my mom and I have a crappy relationship so I had real hard time finding card for my mom. If I could write Mother's Day cards for sale these are what they would be:

Mom (based on my relationship):
On Mother's Day I am reminded of how you treated me like a red headed step-kid all of my life and making me feel like I was a burden and nothing was ever good enough. Anyway Happy Mother's Day!

BM 's card from SS based on my point of view:
Mommy you are the craziest mommy ever... no really I mean it your nuts no wonder my dad left you! Happy Mother's Day from Dad's Mini Twin

Step-Mom to myself from SS and to my Step-Mom:
Words cannot express the respect I have for you. I love you and thank you for being a part of the better part of my life.

What would your cards read if you were the writer for Halmark?

kaffonseca's picture

this reminds me of every mother's day one of my sister's always got to the hallmark store together and read all the mother's day cards and laugh so hard we almost pee our pants because they are all so our relationship with our mom you..we always say why can't they have some REAL cards..for dysfunctional mother child relationships.

"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"