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Has BM ever said to your DH "We need to sit down as a family and discuss this?" Not with you just them!

stuknaz's picture

Meaning BM, DH and their kids?? But Bm must have missed the memo that "they" are not a family anymore!

Last Nerve's picture

It seems to be a part of the "Crazy BM Handbook" they all get...
Our Bm did this all the time. Evertime she'd try, DH would give her a resounding "NO". Then she'd play the guilt card, and tell SD "Your dad says no, I guess he has a new family that is more important than us"... Seriously - WTF??? She got a 'talking to' from the parenting coordinator over that one.
She still calls me the "GF" too. It's her way of somehow devaluing our ralationship/marriage. DH used to play into it, but not anymore. He finally realized that she was just trying to get a rise out of him, and now he refused to give her the power.

stuknaz's picture

run this crap on Dh and he is like "NO. We don't have a family anymore! Stuknaz and the boys are my family now."

"And this too shall pass..."

FallingfromGrace's picture

The first time he did it, it caused a huge problem. So then he started just hiding it from...doing it while I was at work or taking time out of his work and doing it. She loves and evidentally so does he.

When I find out and get upset, he says I am immature. I need to get over her. Hmmm, I dont think I am the one that needds to get over her!

"God grant me the serenity accept the things I cannot change; the strength to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."

sarah1971's picture

ans yes I'm NEVER included in any of these "family meetings/talks". BM refers to me as "father's wife"(and thats her being nice the other ones I can't say on here).BM would rather swollow acid then ever refer to me as "stepmom". The worst part is how DH handles this crap. Not only does he see nothing wrong with this nonsense but goes along with it.

Most Evil's picture

BM is incapable of having any conversation with DH - she will not let him speak an entire sentence, she is constantly ranting and putting words into his mouth. She is impossible to talk with, so he is left out of any decisions and has been for oh, about 18 years now-!!

But if he did go play 'family meeting' I would be p*ssed!!!! No way are they a 'family' the way your BM thinks it is!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

CrystalRE's picture

We did have some pretty severe problems with SD 7, now 9 where she told DH and I that she did not want to "leave her mother alone" to care for her new baby and wanted to give up her time with us which would allow her to be there to help BM. We called BM and asked that she come and meet with us to discuss the problems with SD. When she got there she said "I didnt know SHE was going to be here". She ended up causing a huge scene and I left them alone as she requested. Surprise...all she did was end up running over DH and NONE of the issues were resolved with her. Needless to say that was the first and the LAST time I ever allow that to happen.