Have you ever gotten so mad you went off on BM? Whether it was in person, phone, text or email. Did you regret it? And what did your SO have to say about it?
Sort of. Really have no conversation with her. But did send a text stating that I was sorry she could not waste a dollar on her terminally ill son. No regrets at all.
DH knows not to put me in a position to be around her as I will not hold ANYTHING back. I have no reason to. She is a disgusting excuse for a human being. Was a horrible mother to both sons. Has had multiple marriages including the current one to ex drug addict.
She had a very, very privileged background (so unlike me) but is still gutter trash as far as I am concerned.
One long letter when she involved my child in her lies to her kids...BSthen14 was very upset and that was my tipping point. Never talk to her now and barely did before that. The letter was used in the last round of mediation. She never responded to me, because most of it was not refutable. She did however make notes on the letter and it was sent to our lawyers. Only three notes disputing in a three page typed letter. Pretty sad that that was all she could argue with. One statement on the letter said that "SM was not maternal to her children". Yeah and if I was, she would have attacked me for that.
She used to call my home to talk to DH about whatever...I was always nice to her and it was me who always ensured that DH did what he promised. Then one day DH was taking a shower and she said it was "urgent". So I went to the bathroom and told DH and he took the phone...All of a sudden I saw his face of "WTH?" I asked him what happened and he said she made some comment about "him in the shower"! The calls continued...hmmm...One day she kept calling our house and arguing with DH and I finally got fed up. I called her back and told her that if she EVER called my home AGAIN I would be calling her husband directly and letting him know that she constantly called "hitting on" DH...I told her to NEVER call again! She has never called my home again.
not the current one, but the former one. She and I were trying to play nice but she said something completely out of line (she left ODS when he was 2 and pops back up every 3 years or so then tried to tell me she could do what she wanted b/c SHE was his mother, not me...) Oh, I lost it... but only AFTER my VERY non-confrontational mother encouraged me to just tell her how I feel for ODS's sake... so I did. I unloaded on her. Told her exactly what I thought of her as a person and a mother. I have not for one moment regreted it. She needed to hear it. She needed a reality check. She has not and will never be a MOTHER to that child. Giving birth doesn't make you a mother and I was the one taking care of his every need every single day. My ex had NO problem with me doing it. She and I actually got along better for about a year after that.. then his parents got hold of her (they are psycho) and it just went downhill from there.. but OMG it felt GOOD to tell her off. She was a bit scared of me after that too LOL
Yep. I have ALOT I'd LOVE to say to this bitchface woman, but back a few months ago, DH, MIL, FIL and BM were standing behind my car having an argument, I was in the car trying to stay out of it until I hear BM yell at DH "Well you got married after 4 months!" So I opened the car door, yelled at her "yeah, and thats none of your damn business, now get out from behind my car or I'm gonna back you over!" DH just got in the car w/me and we left.
You think like I do. I promise you DH will probably do ANYTHING to keep her away from me. Because I promise I will go as low below the belt as i have to. I say these things in a sweet little southern old lady voice - very calm but slashing.
Example: " You and I have lived totally different lives. You were fucking around in high school starting with teachers (true) and producing crotch droppings from one night stands while I was getting multiple degrees from top schools and having an international career". she did go on to college and really thinks she is so smart because dh's second wife did not have a degree. I hate people like that. Some of the smartest people I know did not go to college. I don't usually brag on my credentials but will pull them out and slash some little pretentious bitch like her off at the knees.
"Your father was just a whore-monger (so true he was awful) so no wonder you turned out to be such a whore. Her father was a very prominent and wealthy doctor who was notorious for sleeping with so many women including his patients. He was also an alcoholic.
Ohhhhh yes! Through email and I shared my emails with the board, lol. BM thinks that she can make whatever nasty comments she wants on the phone with DH or through email to me. She tried to be condescending and rude when DH told her that they would only be discussing non-emergency issues through email. She called me "sweetie" and tried to say that it was because I was jealous and she was a threat to me and DH's relationship. With DH's permisson I called her Miss Clarol (she dies her hair red to try to look like my natural color) and let her know that she was a middle aged, uneducated divorcee with too much time on her hands - thats a cliche, not a threat. Lol! She was sooooooo mad. Now all we hear about is how mean I am to her. Guess the truth hurts.
I've "gone off" on PB (BM) twice. Once via phone and once in person.
#1: She was constantly calling my apartment to get ahold of (then BF) DH. When she did, she would scream at him - so loud I could hear even when I left the room. I complained to DH about it and said that the next time, *I* had something to say. She called again, he answered (I had caller ID) and she started in on him. He just handed the phone to me. She was very surprised, to say the least. She ordered me to put DH back on the phone. I asked why. She said she wanted to talk with him. I said that she WASN'T talking and that I wasn't putting him back on MY phone until SHE could learn how to talk without screaming! She freaked out, screamed and cussed, then hung up the phone on me.
#2: This was just recently. I had just talked to SD18 and found out that her excuse for why she didn't talk to her dad anymore was because he watches too much tv (!). THEN I found out that PB was getting CS for SD18 until SS17 graduates! Even though SD18 was already kicked out of PB's place!! THEN, for the umpteenth time in a row, SS17 was late for his visitation...without letting us know he was going to be late. I was furious and said I was driving over to get him.
I got there and went to the door (we usually would just sit in the car previously). She answered, of course. She acted like she didn't even KNOW he was home or not and said he was in the shower. I said, "Great job of parenting." and slammed the door to walk away. She opened the door back up and said, "Do you have a problem with me?" I said, "YES. Ever since I had the PLEASURE of meeting you, you fat fucking cow." She said, "Excuse me??" I screamed as loud as I could, "What are you fucking DEAF TOO?? I SAID you are a FAT FUCKING COW!"
Do I regret either, no. What did DH think? He thinks I'm a rock star.
Bm calls DH cell phone. DH doesn't answer because there is no need for contact. All BM visit are done through a supervised visitation mediator. So we don't have to have contact with BM. However, BM doesn't get this and continues to call wanting DH to change it. BM does have the right to CALL the school and the doctors office and ask about SS school and medical. The key word here is CALL. BM doesn't have the right to be there. Hence, SUPERVISED VISITS.
DH: cell rings, he doesn't answer.
BM: leaves message.
BM: I heared that ss is playing basketball I want the schedule call me.
DH: cell rings, he doesn't answer.
SM: my cell phone ring, WTH! BM never calls my phone. I asked DH "should I answer" he says "Yes" (he knew what was going to happen. Because I'am totally pissed at Bm for not going to SV to see SS.)
SM: Hello.
BM: Is (DH Name) there.
SM: Yes.
BM: Can I talk to him (DH)
SM: No, you can't he doesn't want to talk to you or he would have answered his phone.
BM: Well I heared that SS is playing Basketball and I need the schedule. So I can go to his games.
Now I'm even more pissed. BM didn't even call SS a Christmas. However she did call New Years at 1am. For crying outloud.
SM: The only thing you have a right to do is go to SV.
BM: I have rights. The papers say I can go to his school activities.
SM: No they don't say that. You can call the school to asked about school. The only thing you have the right to do is SV.
I hang up because Bm is to stupid to get it.That was 3 weeks ago still no visits.
Yep ri9ght after dh and I got married they were arguing about her keeping the kids from him on christmas. She didn't want him to have them and she got very nasty about it. They were going back and forth for like an hour I could take it anymore from both of them. I took the phone and said "dh will be there at this time at this place to pick the kids up and you or the kids are not there he will see you in court". I hung up. I looked at dh and said "that is how it is done" She never wanted to talk to me again apparently i scared her to death. lol Dh got the kids that year! }:)
No but I'd love to! BM phones my OH and screams at him for something at least once or twice a week..so far I have resisted the urge to grab the phone off of him!
I do fantasise me just going off at her. I wouldn't hold back! My OH's sister rang to have a go at her and said that she thinks BM is intimidated of me or something, she was very wary about what she said about me.
She very rarely mentions my name..except when she wants my money!
Nope, SO has no issues with doing it himself, but she's been easy to get along with for a while (knock on wood). The only thing at this point I would like to say to her is to STOP sending her kids with SO in dirty, ratty, ripped clothing and clothing that is either 4 sizes too small, or 4 sizes too big. Just a couple weeks ago SO picked his kids up and I noticed that both the boys socks were ripped, I'm not talking about a little hole, like all 5 toes exposed on each sock! WTF? The girl was wearing socks that were easily 5 sizes too big, they were adult socks. Ridiculous! However I also blamed SO for some of that, how could he not notice? And why on earth wouldn't he have changed them once he did? UGH!
No, but I want to....can't
No, but I want to....can't mention what I would say tho. Vile, vulgar and inappropriate. :jawdrop:
Sort of. Really have no
Sort of. Really have no conversation with her. But did send a text stating that I was sorry she could not waste a dollar on her terminally ill son. No regrets at all.
DH knows not to put me in a position to be around her as I will not hold ANYTHING back. I have no reason to. She is a disgusting excuse for a human being. Was a horrible mother to both sons. Has had multiple marriages including the current one to ex drug addict.
She had a very, very privileged background (so unlike me) but is still gutter trash as far as I am concerned.
Twice Once by text and once
Once by text and once in person. The last time I almost hit her. (DF pulled me back)
We will see her on court tomorrow. I have a feeling things will get heated once again.
One long letter when she
One long letter when she involved my child in her lies to her kids...BSthen14 was very upset and that was my tipping point. Never talk to her now and barely did before that. The letter was used in the last round of mediation. She never responded to me, because most of it was not refutable. She did however make notes on the letter and it was sent to our lawyers. Only three notes disputing in a three page typed letter. Pretty sad that that was all she could argue with. One statement on the letter said that "SM was not maternal to her children". Yeah and if I was, she would have attacked me for that.
Yep! I don't regret it one
Yep! I don't regret it one bit.
She used to call my home to talk to DH about whatever...I was always nice to her and it was me who always ensured that DH did what he promised. Then one day DH was taking a shower and she said it was "urgent". So I went to the bathroom and told DH and he took the phone...All of a sudden I saw his face of "WTH?" I asked him what happened and he said she made some comment about "him in the shower"! The calls continued...hmmm...One day she kept calling our house and arguing with DH and I finally got fed up. I called her back and told her that if she EVER called my home AGAIN I would be calling her husband directly and letting him know that she constantly called "hitting on" DH...I told her to NEVER call again! She has never called my home again.
DH? He just smiled and said nothing.
not the current one, but the
not the current one, but the former one. She and I were trying to play nice but she said something completely out of line (she left ODS when he was 2 and pops back up every 3 years or so then tried to tell me she could do what she wanted b/c SHE was his mother, not me...) Oh, I lost it... but only AFTER my VERY non-confrontational mother encouraged me to just tell her how I feel for ODS's sake... so I did. I unloaded on her. Told her exactly what I thought of her as a person and a mother. I have not for one moment regreted it. She needed to hear it. She needed a reality check. She has not and will never be a MOTHER to that child. Giving birth doesn't make you a mother and I was the one taking care of his every need every single day. My ex had NO problem with me doing it. She and I actually got along better for about a year after that.. then his parents got hold of her (they are psycho) and it just went downhill from there.. but OMG it felt GOOD to tell her off. She was a bit scared of me after that too LOL
Yep. I have ALOT I'd LOVE to
Yep. I have ALOT I'd LOVE to say to this bitchface woman, but back a few months ago, DH, MIL, FIL and BM were standing behind my car having an argument, I was in the car trying to stay out of it until I hear BM yell at DH "Well you got married after 4 months!" So I opened the car door, yelled at her "yeah, and thats none of your damn business, now get out from behind my car or I'm gonna back you over!" DH just got in the car w/me and we left.
Too funny!
Too funny!
You think like I do. I
You think like I do. I promise you DH will probably do ANYTHING to keep her away from me. Because I promise I will go as low below the belt as i have to. I say these things in a sweet little southern old lady voice - very calm but slashing.
Example: " You and I have lived totally different lives. You were fucking around in high school starting with teachers (true) and producing crotch droppings from one night stands while I was getting multiple degrees from top schools and having an international career". she did go on to college and really thinks she is so smart because dh's second wife did not have a degree. I hate people like that. Some of the smartest people I know did not go to college. I don't usually brag on my credentials but will pull them out and slash some little pretentious bitch like her off at the knees.
"Your father was just a whore-monger (so true he was awful) so no wonder you turned out to be such a whore. Her father was a very prominent and wealthy doctor who was notorious for sleeping with so many women including his patients. He was also an alcoholic.
Ohhhhh yes! Through email and
Ohhhhh yes! Through email and I shared my emails with the board, lol. BM thinks that she can make whatever nasty comments she wants on the phone with DH or through email to me. She tried to be condescending and rude when DH told her that they would only be discussing non-emergency issues through email. She called me "sweetie" and tried to say that it was because I was jealous and she was a threat to me and DH's relationship. With DH's permisson I called her Miss Clarol (she dies her hair red to try to look like my natural color) and let her know that she was a middle aged, uneducated divorcee with too much time on her hands - thats a cliche, not a threat. Lol! She was sooooooo mad. Now all we hear about is how mean I am to her. Guess the truth hurts.
lol "Ms Clairol" Ahh-hahaha..
lol "Ms Clairol" Ahh-hahaha.. that made me laugh
Good one.
I've "gone off" on PB (BM)
I've "gone off" on PB (BM) twice. Once via phone and once in person.
#1: She was constantly calling my apartment to get ahold of (then BF) DH. When she did, she would scream at him - so loud I could hear even when I left the room. I complained to DH about it and said that the next time, *I* had something to say. She called again, he answered (I had caller ID) and she started in on him. He just handed the phone to me. She was very surprised, to say the least. She ordered me to put DH back on the phone. I asked why. She said she wanted to talk with him. I said that she WASN'T talking and that I wasn't putting him back on MY phone until SHE could learn how to talk without screaming! She freaked out, screamed and cussed, then hung up the phone on me.
#2: This was just recently. I had just talked to SD18 and found out that her excuse for why she didn't talk to her dad anymore was because he watches too much tv (!). THEN I found out that PB was getting CS for SD18 until SS17 graduates! Even though SD18 was already kicked out of PB's place!! THEN, for the umpteenth time in a row, SS17 was late for his visitation...without letting us know he was going to be late. I was furious and said I was driving over to get him.
I got there and went to the door (we usually would just sit in the car previously). She answered, of course. She acted like she didn't even KNOW he was home or not and said he was in the shower. I said, "Great job of parenting." and slammed the door to walk away. She opened the door back up and said, "Do you have a problem with me?" I said, "YES. Ever since I had the PLEASURE of meeting you, you fat fucking cow." She said, "Excuse me??" I screamed as loud as I could, "What are you fucking DEAF TOO?? I SAID you are a FAT FUCKING COW!"
Do I regret either, no. What did DH think? He thinks I'm a rock star.
Bm calls DH cell phone. DH
Bm calls DH cell phone. DH doesn't answer because there is no need for contact. All BM visit are done through a supervised visitation mediator. So we don't have to have contact with BM. However, BM doesn't get this and continues to call wanting DH to change it. BM does have the right to CALL the school and the doctors office and ask about SS school and medical. The key word here is CALL. BM doesn't have the right to be there. Hence, SUPERVISED VISITS.
DH: cell rings, he doesn't answer.
BM: leaves message.
BM: I heared that ss is playing basketball I want the schedule call me.
DH: cell rings, he doesn't answer.
SM: my cell phone ring, WTH! BM never calls my phone. I asked DH "should I answer" he says "Yes" (he knew what was going to happen. Because I'am totally pissed at Bm for not going to SV to see SS.)
SM: Hello.
BM: Is (DH Name) there.
SM: Yes.
BM: Can I talk to him (DH)
SM: No, you can't he doesn't want to talk to you or he would have answered his phone.
BM: Well I heared that SS is playing Basketball and I need the schedule. So I can go to his games.
Now I'm even more pissed. BM didn't even call SS a Christmas. However she did call New Years at 1am. For crying outloud.
SM: The only thing you have a right to do is go to SV.
BM: I have rights. The papers say I can go to his school activities.
SM: No they don't say that. You can call the school to asked about school. The only thing you have the right to do is SV.
I hang up because Bm is to stupid to get it.That was 3 weeks ago still no visits.
Yep ri9ght after dh and I got
Yep ri9ght after dh and I got married they were arguing about her keeping the kids from him on christmas. She didn't want him to have them and she got very nasty about it. They were going back and forth for like an hour I could take it anymore from both of them. I took the phone and said "dh will be there at this time at this place to pick the kids up and you or the kids are not there he will see you in court". I hung up. I looked at dh and said "that is how it is done" She never wanted to talk to me again apparently i scared her to death. lol Dh got the kids that year! }:)
No but I'd love to! BM phones
No but I'd love to! BM phones my OH and screams at him for something at least once or twice a week..so far I have resisted the urge to grab the phone off of him!
I do fantasise me just going off at her. I wouldn't hold back! My OH's sister rang to have a go at her and said that she thinks BM is intimidated of me or something, she was very wary about what she said about me.
She very rarely mentions my name..except when she wants my money!
Yeah, what does that stand
Yeah, what does that stand for?
Hm.. Maybe it stands for Other Half?
I told BM that she was a
I told BM that she was a shitty mom. I've told her that several times when she's pissed me off.
I told BM that she was a
I told BM that she was a shitty mom. I've told her that several times when she's pissed me off.
Nope, SO has no issues with
Nope, SO has no issues with doing it himself, but she's been easy to get along with for a while (knock on wood). The only thing at this point I would like to say to her is to STOP sending her kids with SO in dirty, ratty, ripped clothing and clothing that is either 4 sizes too small, or 4 sizes too big. Just a couple weeks ago SO picked his kids up and I noticed that both the boys socks were ripped, I'm not talking about a little hole, like all 5 toes exposed on each sock! WTF? The girl was wearing socks that were easily 5 sizes too big, they were adult socks. Ridiculous! However I also blamed SO for some of that, how could he not notice? And why on earth wouldn't he have changed them once he did? UGH!